Thread: GURPS 4E Core Ruleset
January 21st, 2025, 20:51 #1521
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Assuming that you've done the following:
1) created a sign on account with Fantasy Grounds (which this post is proof that you did), you should have attempted to subscribe to the Forge subscription for GURPS by going to the first page of the GURPS forums here at Fantasy Grounds, and subscribed to it. Every time you logged in with your Fantasy Grounds Unity, you should have had the option to check for updates as seen in the lower left part of your screen. Click on that. It should say that it is checking for Forge Subscriptions, then state that you are downloading forge subscriptions.
2) when you start a new campaign with your copy of Fantasy Grounds Unity, you have to click on the CREATE CAMPAIGN button. The window that opens up when you do that, will require that you give your campaign a name, and immediately below the field for the new campaign name, will be a list of Game systems (rulesets). In that list - you will eventually find GURPS (4th edition) listed. Click on that after you created a new campaign named say "GURPS TEST".
3) if you selected a server type as "Cloud" - that means that anyone who looks for a game, can see YOUR newly created game with your user account name. I'm going to guess that it will show your campaign as GURPS TEST and Alpheus as GM name. Were I to do this, you would see my GURPS CHROME CITY campaign listed under HalC as GM. Problem is, I password my games so that only those who are invited may join.
If you need actual real time help, let me know. Look for me on Facebook as "Hal" (and because I don't want automated web crawlers pulling my full face book name off the internet on a forum) with a last name that looks like Cramer. Switch the order of appearance for the r and a in the last name and that is the correct spelling of my facebook account.
Alternatively, you can always post here and I'll check - I'll open up a GURPS Alpheus campaign with a password the same as your name. This way, we can chat real time using Fantasy Grounds, so that I can work with you as a sort of crude tech support to get you up and running.
January 22nd, 2025, 00:03 #1522
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Here are some videos relating to the ruleset, some more current than others. Australian EST (GMT +10).
Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising
January 22nd, 2025, 02:15 #1523
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January 29th, 2025, 14:34 #1524
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I have. Mostly in person, but I am playing in a group currently using the roll20 system. I like fantasy grounds better because I feel it is more versatile.
January 29th, 2025, 23:15 #1525
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February 5th, 2025, 17:29 #1526
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I was able to get the files working in FGU, but I was wondering if I had to add the skills, advantages, disadvantages, etc myself, or has that been done by someone yet?
February 5th, 2025, 23:00 #1527
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If you have access to GURPS CHARACTER ASSISTANT, you can export your character for use with Fantasy Grounds Unity. The same holds true for the Spreadsheet version (free) for building characters. What either of those two applications do is export the character in an XML format that Fantasy Grounds Unity utilizes. If you don't have any of those two items - then yes, you manually have to add skills and the like. One thing that is being done is a feature that had been added relatively later in the process (ie somewhat recently) is the option found under the drop down menu of "Character". There, you will see the items Abilities and Traits. Abilities is for skills, while traits is used for advantages and disadvantages.
One thing that you may wish to do is create a single campaign called "GURPS BASIC" and use that campaign ONLY for data entry. If you copy and paste elements from the GURPS PDF's onto your "Abilities" tab, it will store your "skills" for when you want to add them to new characters.
Now the reason I suggested that you create a campaign called GURPS BASIC is that you will never run a campaign using it. Instead, once you add skills and advantages to their respective drop down areas - you can export the entire work and save it as a module. Then, when you start a new campaign, all you have to do is load the GURPS BASIC module to your new campaign - and all the skills you've worked diligently to input into the Abilities area or the Traits area, become available in the new campaign. Saves you from having to do a lot of work over and over again.
The primary reason for this is that SJGames is not supporting this (as of yet), and they don't want anything automated. Once SJGames decides to support this, the restriction against automating will presumably be discarded - but then people will have to pay for the module rather than having it free as it is now. This is why I've purchased a book on LUA programming so that I might learn how to make subroutines and such to help automate it for myself (and only myself). One thing I will want to do is find a programming solution for setting up the calendar so that you can have Jan 1st start on a Monday, a Tuesday, etc as the GM desires, not as the game itself sets up by default. This way, for example, you can start with a calendar date for Jan 1st 1920 - starts on a Thursday.
That's all for later though, as I have to teach myself lua first.Then I'll have to figure out what FGU does internally, and take it from there. Now that I'm unemployed, and relatively stress free, I'll hopefully find the time to study and expand my skills.
February 5th, 2025, 23:12 #1528
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Alright, thanks. I have already input most of the fire college spells into the campaign I am preparing. I like the way it works in FG, but it would be nice for it to autofil in certain places, or do the math when it comes to casting and things like that, but I do not think that is possible because of how you can spend points to increase the power of spells. What I have done is put the spell in either melee of ranged, based on what it is, and then added damage for the different amounts of damage you can add. So Flame jet, I have 3 possible damage rolls, 1d, 2d, and 3d.
February 15th, 2025, 22:31 #1529
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Has anyone figured out a way to add spell damage? So far, I have added individual damages as a ranged attack. So if I am going to do fireball, I have to roll the skill in one window, then move to my combat tab, add in a separate skill for fireball, then go to the drop down and add one for each die of dice I want to put fatigue in. So 1 for 1d, 2 for 2d, etc. Is there a quicker way? Is there a way to have all of that just transfer over or is that something I will have to do individually for each spell?
February 16th, 2025, 03:52 #1530
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Because the game doesn't allow for input at the time you interact with anything on the character sheet, you will just have to go with entering the damage for each energy point as its own separate line. My suggestion to you however, is to simply stick with the single point damage value for the (for example) fireball spell. If the damage is 1d6 per fatigue, and you cast a 3 fatigue fireball, simply click 3 times on the damage results in the ranged combat section instead of having to set up three to 9 individual lines. Why? Clicking three times for a 3d fireball is easier than manually entering one line for each of the possible damage ratings with a fireball. That's all up to you however. What surprised me was - in order to answer your question, I pulled in a character I built for use with table top face to face gaming, exported a mage character for use with Fantasy Grounds, and found that the damage for a single energy point fireball isn't set up to actively roll the correct damage. It lists ~+1d burn for the damage. That of course needs to be fixed.
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