5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Re-Organised Chaos (New Campaign Setting)

    Hello all,

    So, new posting here really. I have posted a few things on the technical side of FGU. But, just to give you a little background on this setting that I am working on.

    Over 20 years ago, I first got into RP through LARP. I know, I know. But back then, LARP was not what it is now. I remember clearly, our LARP group was...more mature than most. There was usually 50-75 people part of the group with 20-30 turning up every weekend to play. There was once a tavern brawl when there was a big event. 50 people slugging it out in the tavern. Now, the place we played was a custom built site. It was on the top floor of an old mill in the UK. It had a custom built dungeon with crawl ways, a castle, tavern, banquet hall and a sleeping hall where we all passed out at the end of the day(Usually after 3am). During the brawl, someone was thrown through the window of the tavern. Now, it wasn't glass, it was plastic, but, it just gives you an example that we certainly weren't throwing sponge balls around shouting "Lightening Bolt" at each other.

    Anyway, For 10 years, the organisers, ran what we called the dragon campaign. To cut a long story short, the entire player base got played by the BBEG. They missed all the red flags that they were being played and ended up releasing the BBEG from her prison that she had been in for over 5000 years. No one even knew that she existed anymore. It was Tiamat. So, 10 years of campaign and the players screwed up royally.

    So, I am working on a campaign setting based around the aftermath of the campaign. I am nowhere near a professional writer and would very much appreciate hearing what others think so far. Its a work in progress, I have only really just started with the history of the Dragon Campaign, but hope you guys will enjoy it. See if you can guess which character in the history I played.


    Thanks in Advance folks. You all stay safe.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I'm guessing Singyn?

    Compelling. A little bit of trouble figuring out the timeline or when the various things happen that the entry refers to, but overall enjoyable and interesting
    Hey there Entrails, seen you around. Thanks, glad you like it. The time line is meant to be vague, result of the history being lost due to the...well, Tiamat. And no, not Singyn.

  4. #4
    So, I have updated the history a little more. Getting towards the end now and will then start fleshing out the setting proper. Have to build on a good history/background first.

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