Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    Skellan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    So now we look forward to the Bug Reports! Ia! Ia! Have fun guys!
    Having a good poke around. Excellent job with this one. I love the combined table to roll all your stats.

    I noticed a couple of very minor things though. ( I know, I know ) sorry. Where would you like me to report them?
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  2. #12
    I will tranlsate it to spanish too, and my interface for 6e just needs some little tweaking, so that´s cool, we will continue Masks of Nyarla in 7e.
    MAy I suggest to convert Pulp Cthulhu next?

  3. #13
    damned's Avatar
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    Skellan here is as good a place as any - post away.

    Luthbel the Investigators Guide is well under way but then it will be a few adventures rather than another big resource book straight away.... <so many things to do so little time>

    Vanethian I hope you enjoy!

  4. #14
    Thanks for the fasr repply Damned, and thanks for the great job on the ruleset

  5. #15
    Great news, thank you!

    We've been using the unofficial 7E plugin for a while now. Any expectations on compatibility and moving chars from it to the official 7E?

    edit: clicking on CoC from FG main web page takes to this page, which has a link to 6E as the first item on the list. In fact, I can't find the 7E on the store at all without using the link from the newsletter email.
    Last edited by Magnimost; December 23rd, 2016 at 02:27.

  6. #16
    Clicking on 'Store->Shop' in the top menu shows the 7E ruleset 1st for me
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  7. #17
    I am finally back in FG for the first time since co-authoring the original C&C ruleset! Woo hoo! Thanks for this update!
    I am a Slow Processor, who soaks in the data, thinks, stares, tries to make sense of what I am seeing, hoping for a breakthrough. All around are snappier brains, busy being dazzling, but not mine, which just plods on until it finally sees something special, hiding in plain view.

  8. #18
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnimost View Post
    Great news, thank you!

    We've been using the unofficial 7E plugin for a while now. Any expectations on compatibility and moving chars from it to the official 7E?

    edit: clicking on CoC from FG main web page takes to this page, which has a link to 6E as the first item on the list. In fact, I can't find the 7E on the store at all without using the link from the newsletter email.
    That's a good point. We have a ton of CoC 6E stuff but it is in a different group that 7E. We can only link to one, obviously, from the front page. Decisions, decisions.

  9. #19
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    That's a good point. We have a ton of CoC 6E stuff but it is in a different group that 7E. We can only link to one, obviously, from the front page. Decisions, decisions.
    You might need to add a second one for CoC7! You will have two D&D ones up there soon enough (Pathfinder )!

  10. #20
    Bummer. When i go to FG starting page and then go to Call of Cthulhu it doesn't show the 7th edition. I have to go to the shop to see it directly. So i bought 6th edition yesterday because i was tired of waiting.

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