FG Spreadshirt Swag
  1. #2051
    qdwag's Avatar
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    Ah okay. Thanks for clarifying mate.

  2. #2052
    damned's Avatar
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    There are a number of Damage Rolls -

    AFMBE Damage Roll: /afmbedmg (p1)d6x(p2) (roll #d6 * #)
    Damage: /damage #d#+# rolls dice of tpe Damage, can be dragged onto the targets Wounds by the GM
    Damage Roll: /damageroll #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target in the Combat Tracker
    DamageDR: /damagedr #d#+# rolls damage and reduces damage by the target in the Combat Trackers Defense (damage reduction) and applies the damage
    DamageDR4: /damagedr4 #d#+# rolls damage and reduces damage by the target in the Combat Trackers Field Four (damage reduction) and applies the damage
    DBDamage: /dbdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
    Gumshoe Damage: /gsdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
    Healing: /heal #d#+# (need to ctrl-drag to apply negative damage)
    L5R Damage: /damagel5r 1s20+#x# (roll 1s20 and equal or lower than attribute for success)
    Roll and Keep Katana Damage: /rnkd #k# (roll #d10 explode on 9 and 10 and keep highest # of type damage)
    Stunt Dice Damage: /stuntdmg # (roll stunt dice and add optional modifier, damage type)
    Wrath and Glory Damage: /wrathdmg #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)
    Wrath and Glory Brutal Damage: /wrathdmgb #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)

    Some of these will apply targetted damage some the GM would drag on to the target in the CT

  3. #2053
    qdwag's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch Damian. Super helpful.

    Come to think of it though, there is almost no use for the manual die rolls (the graphical dice) anymore.
    I might as well just create rolls and macros that produce values that can be dragged.

  4. #2054
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    The first two red errors are fixed in the next build (they aer not what you are posting about but they are to do with Trackers)

    At a guess this is because I added a new Min value for trackers so that they could for example got to a -ive value.
    Can you try opening a couple of trackers and adding 0 as the min value.
    Then /reload and try those rolls. If they dont error then try an unmodified one?
    Possibly also one or more trackers dont have an Icon set?
    If I'm correctly testing in the manner you requested, that also produced the error.

    The trackers did have an Icon associated with it.

  5. #2055
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    The Dark Eye?
    Yes. I was really just toying around with the TDE extension and inputting some settlements in that region that I know the stats for.

    On a more serious note though - before the Covid-19 shut down, I'd just completed creating a True20 campaign for tabletop that uses the Shadows of Cthulhu setting. The group I was going to run it for is currently playing in my FGC Savage Worlds campaign, so I'd like to run it with FG. True20 poses some real challenges for adapting to MoreCore, because combat damage involves the target character making a special Toughness save against a dynamic Difficulty Class. Not to mention there's a complex wound track that'd need to be represented some way on the character sheet. I use a houseruled, simplification of that track though and have come to the conclusion that it might be possible to do it with just a series of standard numeric boxes that records an increasing (-) penalty; could even be manually entered.

    While I was very easily able to create Attributes, Skills and Saves (haven't done Feats yet, but don't foresee any problems), the combat was a little bit more difficult. I have been doing a test implementation using 2 techniques; Attacks box and with rolls via a special Combat group I've created. The attack rolls for True20 are straight forward and just involve a 1d20 + Combat Bonus + DEX score made against a target's Defense stat which is 10 + Combat Bonus + Dodge (DEX+Feats) Xor Parry (STR+Feats), all of which was easily done with a roll. That defense stat doesn't change often, so no reason the players can't manually enter it in the existing Defense box. Damage is more complex though, as it has an an attack component where the Attacker adds their weapons damage bonus to a base DC of 15. Then an accompanying target component, where the target PC/NPC makes a toughness save roll against that DC. If the Attacker rolls a 20 on their attack however, a weapons specific critical bonus is added to the DC. As well, auto-fire weapons add a special bonus if they attack roll is high enough.

    My goal is to have that damage DC show up in the target's entry in the Combat Tracker and find some way the target (whether GM NPC or player PC) can roll a Toughness save against it. As an example of how I've used the Attacks box, I've entered Thowing Knives with this syntax:

    Throwing Knives [ATK] 1d20+1+1,
    Throwing Knives standard DC [DMG] 1d0+15+1,
    Throwing Knives Auto Fire DC [DMG] 1d0+15+3,
    Throwing Knives Auto Fire Crit DC [DMG] 1d0+15+3+3,
    That does successfully generate the correct damage DC in the chat box, but I haven't gotten as far as testing it in the CT. It's not ideal because that ends up rolling a phantom D6 in the chat window. I've tried changing it to [DMG] 0d0+15+1 or just [DMG] 15+1, but that just increments the value in the Modifier window.
    I've done an equivalent an attack via a Roll that uses the following Param Formula:
    /die 1d20+(a)+(b3)
    Where (a) = Combat Bonus and (b3) = the current score for DEX. I have a roll that generates a damage DC with this formula:
    /die (p3)+15
    Where (p3) is a manually inputted value based upon the degree of the attack result. That's more ideal because the phantom dice is no longer rolled, while the correct damage DC is generated.
    I know that entries on the Attack box can effect the CT window, but I'm unsure of a way for a generated roll to do the .

    So my question is; is there a way for that damage DC produced by my roll can be made to display on a NPC's/PC's entry in the CT?

  6. #2056
    damned, I must have deleted too many lines last night. I tried it again today with a fresh .pak and it worked fine. Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!

    Currently trying to muddle my way around Lua. Figure I've got the next few weeks at home so I might as well. I think the language itself is easy enough, it's learning all the FG variables that's the daunting part.

  7. #2057
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vvZODvv View Post
    If I'm correctly testing in the manner you requested, that also produced the error.

    The trackers did have an Icon associated with it.
    I did pull up some old MoreCore campaigns and had the same issue.
    Doing the steps I posted above did work for me.
    Would you please export a charsheet that is having the issue and attach here?

    Its also possible that my MoreCore build has fixed it.
    Im very close to putting it up.

  8. #2058
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi there -

    "because combat damage involves the target character making a special Toughness save against a dynamic Difficulty Class. Not to mention there's a complex wound track that'd need to be represented some way on the character sheet. I use a houseruled, simplification of that track though and have come to the conclusion that it might be possible to do it with just a series of standard numeric boxes that records an increasing (-) penalty; could even be manually entered."

    The way to do this I think is to create the Defence roll on all sheets - NPC and PC. When an attack is successful the Target makes the Defence roll and store the value (manually) in Defence.
    You can then use /damagedr4 roll to reduce damage based on that.
    You would need to use some numeric slide for damage currently.

    You could however do both of these with some coding.

    The attacks field doesnt accept any thing other than the standard dice rolls - you cant use any MoreCore rolls in there.
    Without coding you will need to use the d0 method you currently use. You could certainly write a variation of the /damagedr4 roll if that one looks like it will work - and get it to "roll without any dice".

    Im sorry if I misunderstood any of your points. Racing thru these posts quickly.

  9. #2059
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benightedfae View Post
    damned, I must have deleted too many lines last night. I tried it again today with a fresh .pak and it worked fine. Thanks, and sorry for the confusion!

    Currently trying to muddle my way around Lua. Figure I've got the next few weeks at home so I might as well. I think the language itself is easy enough, it's learning all the FG variables that's the daunting part.
    It looks like Ill need to have an FGU fork or add some extra code in to lots of rolls to accommodate the d100 change.
    Dive in and start with something small and specific.

  10. #2060
    Alright, after a day of staring at Lua code I'm throwing in the towel and admitting I'm cut from the cloth of coders. Dice math/code confuses me endlessly. So, here's my breakdown of Mothership's rolls:

    Mothership has three different ways it rolls:

    xd10 - the usual d10 roll, where 2d10 will give a result of 2-20
    _xd10_ - where the d10 in this case is the d10 from the percentile pair, and 2d10 would give you a result from 20-200
    d% - the standard percentile roll between 0-99

    You have stats, which you try to roll under to succeed. These checks use d%
    You have skills, which increase the number of your stat (thereby increasing your chance of success). The skills come in three tiers: trained (10% bonus), expert (15% bonus), master (20% bonus)

    There is advantage and disadvantage just like in dnd5e - roll twice. For advantage keep your lowest, for disadvantage keep your highest.

    If you roll doubles - 11, 22, 33, etc - you crit. If you succeed, you Crit success, if you fail, you Crit fail. A roll of 00 is always a critical hit and 99 is always a critical fail.

    Various items can add percentages to checks.

    Rolling the d10's works the same way - you're generally trying to roll under a number, unless it's on a table or for damage.

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