1. #2491
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Sorry I missed this post.

    What is this VtM extension for MoreCore? I am not aware of that one.
    I'm Talking about this Vampire Dark Ages One, that could also be used for VTM(and partly is based on a Core-RPG-VTM-Sheet/Extension)
    On this one I my dice-rolls currently go bad" with an error message, but I'll yet have to test if the additional linked exalted roll.zip fixes that one.

    EDIT: added the Link

    You would not copy the whole library of spells to the Character Sheet just like you do not in 5E. You only copy teh spells that you know/use.

    You could use Abilities but I think Rolls are better on every level. Both can be added to Libraries that can be grouped by class and level or school or whatever you need.
    I'm not sure if we're talking about the same "feature" here. What I'm missing from the Rolls and Abilities is this interface:

    Basically a built in Search-Filter (1st Row By Name - All/Shared - Editbutton; 2nd By Level/Rank, 3rd By "Origin", 4th By "Source")
    In my case origin is a list, that can apply to multiple Types (like in 5e with Classes in the Source Field, eg. a Spell could be Tagged for Cleric, Wizard and Druid)
    Source itself is more which "Creature" normally has those Powers, eg. which Rulebook it's attatched to...Could be Vampires, Werewolf, Mage etc.
    Preferably all of this Information comes from the actual Spell Content itself. Currently 5e uses Level, Ritual and Source fort those tags, but for example adding a new Source in a game does not update, the filter-options. (no clue where that is triggerd currently). Neither Rolls, nor Abilities feature such a Filter currently. Rolls for my case are way too complex.
    The "Powers" of WoD follow a simple Scematic of

    Availabe to (Origin)
    Some Fluff Text
    Some Rulestext
    Which Rolebook it came from

    Since we don't need automation we basically just use it to check what that power does and do the maths/rolling by hand, due to many factors that can change the circumstances anyway.
    For a FGU Implementation, I'd be happy with a few "top-level"-Tag Fileds for my Filters, 2 seperate Textfields for Fluff+System and a lower Tagfield (not used for filtering) just stateing the rulebook/homebrew. The big issue is getting that tag/filtering system to work, otherwise the Abilities would alredy offer a decent Start. The reason I dislike Grouping in FGU is that players can't use those normally. They just get a very long list. Seen Here:

    And since I'd need a full replacement of the Character-Sheet with said custom-version, said-spell "library"-template (the actual Data I know how to build in modules afterwards) I'm not sure if this already requires a extension. Since I'd like to keep the Abilites for a tiny adjustment that I might do by myself, this Spells-Part also requires a new Icon to the Sidebar, which I still have not figured out in any System how to get things added to it anyway :P
    (I'm planing to change Abilities into "Entries" where our DM can just story any Data (Descriptions or other Things that can then be used in Links) but keep seperate from actual Notes (Descriptions or other Things that can then be used in Links) no funtionality exept a place to store explanations and plain Text without any "frills" attatched^^)

    I'm currently building up a mockup for the char-sheet as reference (currently in excel, later visualised if needed), but even there I'm still unsure about few "features" that might or might not be possible. Basically I'm trying my best to for one build a universal WoD-Sheet, while keeping it simple but using possibilites that might not be there with a real paper-sheet. Especially for the last part I'm just to unexperiened on what would work and what not.
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    Last edited by Astaroshe; August 10th, 2020 at 13:25.

  2. #2492
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astaroshe View Post
    I'm Talking about this Vampire Dark Ages One, that could also be used for VTM(and partly is based on a Core-RPG-VTM-Sheet/Extension)
    On this one I my dice-rolls currently go bad" with an error message, but I'll yet have to test if the additional linked exalted roll.zip fixes that one.
    That is not a MoreCore ruleset. It wont work as expected with MoreCore.

  3. #2493
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    The big issue is getting that tag/filtering system to work, otherwise the Abilities would alredy offer a decent Start. The reason I dislike Grouping in FGU is that players can't use those normally. They just get a very long list. Seen Here:
    If you set it up on the GM computer and export it as a module.
    You can load that module and make it player accessible in the library.
    Players should then be able to see the grouped entries.

    The filtered view is coded specifically for a specific ruleset.
    You could totally create an extension that provides that functionality but it isnt something that is likely to be in MoreCore at any time in the near future.
    The fields etc are very specific and thus make no sense in a generic base.

  4. #2494
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    You can create a new Data Type and sidebar type fairly easily in an extension.
    You then also need to tell the Character Sheet how to use or accept that new data type but certainly those aims should be fairly achievable.

  5. #2495
    Derp me researched the link for the vtm/vda char sheets and then failed to add it...fixed now, the one I'm talking about should? be for MoreCore

  6. #2496
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    Ahhh thank you for the link.
    I am not familiar with either game system (I have both Exalted and VtM books in my bookshelf but have not read them...) so Im anot really sure how to use but when I added values to teh stats and skills they all rolled (and some exploded) and reported ok for me.
    For questions about those sheets/extensions you might want to post in that thread so rpotor might see also.

  7. #2497
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    If you set it up on the GM computer and export it as a module.
    You can load that module and make it player accessible in the library.
    Players should then be able to see the grouped entries.

    The filtered view is coded specifically for a specific ruleset.
    You could totally create an extension that provides that functionality but it isnt something that is likely to be in MoreCore at any time in the near future.
    The fields etc are very specific and thus make no sense in a generic base.
    Still would create more issues than help, sadly. I intent to split modules by "general System" eg. one for vampires, another for Werewolfes etc...
    What makes things hard is that sometimes you need "all Gifts of Rank 1 for this <class>"
    Which already has two different filters, to be searched on. But those Rank1 gifts also might be Rank2 for another class, so a static group would either not work or have dozens of duplicates.
    I certainly know (and agree) that this is somewhat specific, which is why I'm failing and I would not ask for it to be a standard for MoreCore. Still need to find someone who is capable to buil that as a extension though^^ There is a lot of "simple" Stuff in there, but there are a few nicks that are more complex. This is why I'm setting this up as a commission, insted of asking to have this be supplied in MoreCore as a default feature^^

  8. #2498
    @Astaroshe I am currently running a Mage the Ascension 5e campain in MoreCore.

    This took some to-doing. Especially since it is all HomeBrew (obviously since M5 is not even a thought yet), but it is possible to build with MoreCore.

    Do you have XML and LUA skills? It wasn't too hard copying the items needed from Damned's amazing creation into what you need specifically.


    There is a bit it looks like you're looking for, but with a little know how and a few hours of yelling at your computer screen until the code does exactly what you want it to do. it is possible to get WoD and CoD to work well with MoreCore.

    My suggestion is start small. There are a few rolls already that should be close to what you need. There are WoD and CoD roll commands. Depending on your ruleset you may need to slightly alter them with an extension. Ask and people on here (and I) can show you how.

    I hope to start a video series this week that will slowly start covering development topics for simple things in MoreCore. I will be posting them on here.

  9. #2499
    Sadly my coding times in University mostly covered java with a hint of xml. I tired lua once, i can mostly read basic functions, but anything higher than that would take me a serious amount of time to figure out, while simultaneously running and playing in currently 3 Campaings. (One of them being said WoD mashup).

    Could I manage to build most of it myself? Yes...but not in a reasonable time to catch everyone to move from roll20 to FGU. Finding a snipet here and there might get me to something that works, but it would be neither efficient nor "crashsave" most likely. The main "plus" I have is that I don't need any rolls programmed into all components. Just the "display" suffices for me, but that I'd rather have it in 2-3 months and a bit of cash spent than in a year.
    I'm already spending some money on art commissions, so why not find a decent coder to do some work as well?
    Last edited by Astaroshe; August 10th, 2020 at 20:09.

  10. #2500
    This is the basic combat roll for Paranoia.

    Paranoia uses a combat system that is VERY different to most, any help with that would be a godsend ;>)

    A player has a series of health status options (O)kay, (S)nafued, (W)ounded, (M)aimed, (D)own, (K)illed, (V)apourised

    Weapons have a rating as follows:-
    Cone Rifle Damage Type= Impact Min-Boost-Max= W3K
    Min =minimum damage done,
    Boost= how much over the basic hit value you have to roll before you add a rank to the health status
    Max = The maximum damage that weapon can do
    so assuming a character fires a cone rifle at an unarmoured target and they have a "Projectile Weapons skill of 14, (this is the skill used for firing a cone rifle)
    they roll a d20 against their skill.
    If they get above 14 they have missed
    If they get 12-14 they have hit but they did not get a boost,(did not make the roll by 3 points or greater) so Health status of target = W
    If they get 9-11 they have hit and got a single boost (made roll by 3-5 but not by 6 or more) so Health status =W+1 boost = M
    If they get 6-8 they have a hit and 2 boosts( made roll by 6 but not by 9 or more) so Health status = W+2= D
    If they get 3-5 they have hit with 3 boosts which would be W+3=K,
    If they get 1-2 they have hit with 4 boosts which would be W+4= V
    but the maximum damage a cone rifle can do is K so the Health status is =K

    If the target is wearing armour of the appropriate type then the damage is reduced by steps depending on the level of protection it offers.

    Also if a character is Wounded and is hit a second time, all results of Wounded or below are ignored. i'e' if you are wounded you cannot be wounded a second time.
    Also what did you mean by SooL, ("being urged to attack something" doesn't sound as if it is what you meant, but it is Australian slang.....) BTW thanks for offering to help ;>)

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