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  1. #1
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Surrey, UK

    Complete SRD Ruleset Feat creator created.

    Posted at (but not approved yet) and www.adventuresomedreams.com.

    Yet another .xml file creator this time for Feats using the format used in the Complete SRD Ruleset.

    After I have added all my feats to my ruleset I'll write a skill version.

    Please note I have rewritten the program it is version 1.2 do not bother with the first one.

    The modified version allows you to add multiple paragraphs to the benefits option.

    It also creates one big file called featlist.xml that cotains all the feats that you create, this will need to be pasted into the feats.xml that comes with the Complete SRD Ruleset.

    It will not update the equipment.xml file to list the new feats.

  2. #2

    Re: Complete SRD Ruleset Feat creator created.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doswelk
    Posted at (but not approved yet) and www.adventuresomedreams.com.

    Yet another .xml file creator this time for Feats using the format used in the Complete SRD Ruleset.

    After I have added all my feats to my ruleset I'll write a skill version.

    Please note I have rewritten the program it is version 1.2 do not bother with the first one.

    The modified version allows you to add multiple paragraphs to the benefits option.

    It also creates one big file called featlist.xml that cotains all the feats that you create, this will need to be pasted into the feats.xml that comes with the Complete SRD Ruleset.

    It will not update the equipment.xml file to list the new feats.

    The Complete SRD Ruleset is copyrighted by DIGITAL ADVENTURES, LLC. You cannot alter or otherwise distribute code associated with this ruleset without my permission. Not only is it a copyright violation, but it violates the user agreement that you agreed to when you bought the product from RPGNow.

    Please take this down off of Adventuresome Dreams until I have an opportunity to review the nature of this code.

    I am not trying to be a jerk here Doswelk, but regardless of the fact that the information is SRD, you cannot alter or otherwise distribute different version of my code without my permission. Email me off the forums and we can talk about it.

  3. #3
    Edited for content.


    I sincerely hope that this can be resolved. For the future, if possible, I would like to see the efforts of this community in collaboration with your company, vis a vie the new NPC sheets.

    What I do not want to see is the FG format split into differing rulesets based on little differences. It is fine for the OGL formats, i.e. Warhammer or such, but when we are talking about SRD material, i.e. D&D, I would like to see the efforts of people pay off in a way that benefits the whole community, as opposed to having to remeber thirteen different rulesets to accomplish the same task.

    Is there a possibility that this Feat creator can be redone using the native FG format? This way, there is no concern about the infringement of copyright, and the community as a whole will gain something beneficial.
    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  4. #4
    Without conceding liability in any manner, I have deleted the files you allege to be in violation of your copyrights.

    The files were waiting to be approved on my site. To the extent they were never approved by a moderator or administrator, they were never made available to the public through Adventuresome Dreams.

    In the future, everyone probably needs to be a little careful about what they post. I would hope that we would agree to err on the side of caution and, if in doubt, restrain from posting anything that might conceivably infringe someone's copyrights.

    If anyone wants to discuss this any further, please contact me offline. I will not engage in a legal discussion online.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Maryland for now
    Obviously I am missing something here... so if I have the complete set of Forgotten Realms books (and I do) and I add the feats listed in these books into the list already provided when I bought the complete SRD for use in my won campaign (which I did) I am committing some sort of copyright violation?

    I honestly do not understand.
    - Novalith

  6. #6
    Okay, not to get into any sort of IP or copyright discussion.... but here it is:

    The issue is not what you do for your own use. What you do at home is your business. When it gets sticky is when you are sharing the information online. (I.E. selling it or distributing it) without the author or company's permission.

    So, you can put in the feats from the FR in your own campaign, or your version of FG, but you cannot make it available for distribution without consent from WOTC.

    Hope this clears this up.
    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  7. #7
    Sandeman & Matt ... thank you for your understanding in this matter. While I'm not against "add-ons" to The Complete SRD, I would prefer that it go through me and be approved. I am more than willing to talk to anyone about content for FG or regarding anything produced by Digital Adventures, but at the same time I have to protect my products and the purchases of my customers.

    Novalith ... as Sandeman said, when you post something online for everyone on the Internet to download, you must respect the creator's copyrights. In the RPG industry you can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home, but you cannot alter material and post it for sale or as a free download without the author/publisher's permission.

    If anyone has any questions please email me off the forums.

    Thanks again guys,

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
    Sandeman & Matt ... thank you for your understanding in this matter.
    No need to thank me and again, just to make clear, my "understanding" should not be construed by anyone as a concession on my part that either I personally, or adventuresomedreams.com, has violated your copyright rights.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by msd
    No need to thank me and again, just to make clear, my "understanding" should not be construed by anyone as a concession on my part that either I personally, or adventuresomedreams.com, has violated your copyright rights.

    Not at all, I understand perfectly that you run a clean site Matt, and that you would never violate copyrights. I don't blame the poster either, as I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. One of the hardest things to do in this industry is to educate people about industry copyrights. Like I said, I would be happy to talk to anyone about doing work for DA, all they have to do is email me.


  10. #10
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK

    Whew a lot can happen in 24 hours!

    Thore_Ironrock, I had no intention of infringing on your copyright, and for that I am sorry (teach me not to read the small print!)

    Matt, I had no intention in putting you in the position that you found yourself, for that I am sorry.

    As had already been stated I was not altering or distributing your wonderful product for other people to use to take away the income you had earned by putting out a comprehensive ruleset.

    The reason for the application was I was so impressed with how you had done the feats, that once I worked out which bits of .xml code did it. I wrote a vb.net application to allow me to add all the non-SRD feats into a personal copy of your ruleset.

    I thought that other people may find this helpful.

    The program which I am more than willing to send to you for evaluation creates two .xml files.

    The first called featlist.xml is a list of feats that the user must add manually to your feats.xml

    The second file is called addtoequipment.xml which generates the links that need to be added to equipment.xml.

    This program make no changes to your code, it just creates two files that can pasted in.

    On a slightly different note, given that the xml code is copyrighted by yourself, does that mean each player will need to buy their own copy of the Complete SRD ruleset, before a DM can create a game where the players will download your code to their PC?

    I am not trying to be "funny" here but given that I am planning to start a game soon, and may advertise across the internet for players I want to be sure.

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