1. #1

    Problem Using the Token Tool to Make Pogs for 5e

    Hey guys, I'm going to try contacting the folks that make the software but I was curious if anyone else has had this problem.

    I've been trying to use the Token Tool over at rptools.net to try and make custom tokens for my 5e game. There are two problems I'm having:

    1) on the smaller tokens, I have to shrink the source pictures down to the point that they look terrible just to fit them into the 50x50 pixel requirement for a medium creature.

    2) for larger creatures, (I'm trying to create a shadow dragon token for my campaign's big bad) I've created tokens that are 200x200 but when I add them to a battle map, FG shrinks them down to the size of a medium creature (50x50).

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi crankdawg47 you might just capture the creatures head or head and torso if shrinking distorts them. Or you can resize and then apply some smoothing/blurring to soften any jagged edges. If your creatures size is correctly set to Large and the grid is on and Token Scaling is on it should size it correctly.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi crankdawg47 you might just capture the creatures head or head and torso if shrinking distorts them. Or you can resize and then apply some smoothing/blurring to soften any jagged edges. If your creatures size is correctly set to Large and the grid is on and Token Scaling is on it should size it correctly.
    Thanks for the advice. I checked to make sure that scaling was on in the FG options. It was set to 80% of the grid. I thought it might have something to do with the tokens I made so I dropped an adult blue dragon token from the srd bestiary library and ended up with the same problem. Could this be an issue with how I drew the grid?
    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Drop from the SRD, library or the campaign to the combat tracker first and then from the combat tracker to the map. If the NPC is properly defined as a Large or Huge creature, it will size appropriately. I also prefer my setting to 100% instead of the default value of 80%. That just scales it up or down within the # of squares it determines is correct though.

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