1. #1

    [TRGT: xxxxx]; effect not working.

    I've noticed the conditional modifier isn't working as intended. I've done some testing, and it only differentiates between targets when tyhe crosshair is dragged from the tracker onto the intended target. the TRGT string does not do anything. Pictured added as per added by character. the -2 effects both targets.

    Now with the crosshair dragged onto Kosyan by the GM. The -2 correctly only applies to the intended target.

  2. #2
    The TRGT tag was never designed to do anything automatically. It was merely added to indicate that the effect should apply to a limited number of targets.

    Also, the TRGT tag is appended to the short version of the effect when collapsed to show any actual effect-specific targets. That's what the targeting button on each effect is for, in order to limit effects to specific targets only.


  3. #3
    Ahh that makes sense then.

    Perhaps the instructions need to be clarified, given that it's listed with IF and IFT, perhaps that and other effects need to be seperated.

    Thanks for getting back to me though. I'll just need to convince my DM to target the effects for me.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by spite View Post
    I'll just need to convince my DM to target the effects for me.
    It's possible for you as a player to set an effect as targeted, but it requires a bit of system mastery.

    Example 1, let's say you have a power that says "The target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn". That's what you need to do:

    1) Create an effect GRANTCA, with the proper duration (all, End N)
    2) With the combat map open, click on the enemy token to "target" it.
    3) Hold SHIFT
    4) Drag the effect to your token on the map OR the combat tracker (either way works) while holding SHIFT.

    If done right, the target will receive the effect "[TRGT:xxxxx]; GRANTCA", and it will work only for your character.

    Example 2, you have a power that says "You and all allies will get a power bonus to damage against the target equal your Wisdom modifier until the end of the encounter".

    1) Create an effect DMG: [WIS] power, with the proper duration (all, Enc)
    2) With the combat map open, click on all your allies to "target" them.
    3) Hold SHIFT
    4) Drag the effect to the enemy's token on the map OR the combat tracker (either way works) while holding SHIFT.

    Just need to remember that the effect will drop on the TARGETED tokens, and the [TRGT] tag will be filled with the character you dragged the effect while holding shift. In some cases, this means you might need to reverse the effect because of how targeting works on FG.

    Example 3, you have a power that says "The target will be weakened against your allies (but not you)". On this case, you have two choices:

    1) Ask the DM to add extra TRGT on your "Weakened" effect, by dragging the target icon on all your allies
    2) Reverse the system: Instead of making THE ENEMY weakened, you can make YOUR ALLIES insubstantial against that enemy. Unless one of your allies have a power that allow them to become insubstantial, the end effect of both approaches are the same: The damage is halved. But doing so allow you to select all your allies and drag the effect on the target, making the game flow faster.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  5. #5
    The specific effect I am trying to create is the Warlock's Curse Feat that applies +2 to defs from any creature that is cursed. I tried setting it up as DEF: 2 shift-clicked to the target, but couldn't have more than one such effect on my character at once (not sure why it's set up like that, creates issues with Mark aswell).
    Then I tried an ATK: -2 and shift clicked it to target, but it simply applies to all targets....

    You are the damned hero of this thread, haha. I set an ATK: -2, targeted the curse target, and shift-clicked the effect to myself and it applied the effect to the target, with the effect targeting me.

    Thanks so much!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by spite View Post
    The specific effect I am trying to create is the Warlock's Curse Feat that applies +2 to defs from any creature that is cursed.
    You can also combine that with your main curse (descriptive) effect, and create a simple "Cursed; ATK:-2" effect line, since curses lasts for the whole encounter anyway.

  7. #7
    Yea that's exactly what I set up.

    Every day I learn something new

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