5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Digital Adventures June Releases

    The Scarlet Tower
    A Fantasy Grounds Adventure by James M. Ward & Kevin W. Melka: A local township has posted for sale the abandoned tower of a local wizard, who has left the area never to return. Who knows what powerful magic has been left behind for those keen enough to survive? An adventure for 4th - 7th levels characters suitable for any campaign setting. Available for download at RPGNow (https://www.rpgnow.com) June 1st, 2005.

    The Hidden Evil

    A Fantasy Grounds Adventure by Kevin W. Melka: The temple of an evil god believed to be abandoned, is once against spreading evil across the land. A local monarch has asked you to investigate, and put an end to the evil once and for all. An adventure for 7th - 9th level characters suitable for any campaign setting. Available for download at RPGNow (https://www.rpgnow.com) June 1st, 2005.

    For more information on submitting your work for publication, or if you are a publisher looking to venture into this new medium please contact us for more information at: [email protected].

  2. #2
    Bought and bought.

    Looks like someone is using Dundjinni. :wink:

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Elric
    Bought and bought.

    Looks like someone is using Dundjinni. :wink:
    Thanks Elric!

    And yes, DunDjinni royalty free art. You would be surprised by what you can find in their forums and user packs. Once you get the hang of it DunDjinni is a great tool. 8)

  4. #4
    Might wanna keep your eyes on the CSUAC that one person is creating. All user art nicely divided up to save having to keep checking the forums for new stuff.

    He just put up a new site and is still testing baselines, but I think it's a nice way to help keep everything organized.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Elric
    Might wanna keep your eyes on the CSUAC that one person is creating. All user art nicely divided up to save having to keep checking the forums for new stuff.

    He just put up a new site and is still testing baselines, but I think it's a nice way to help keep everything organized.

    Excellent! Thank you sir!!

  6. #6
    I currently have the 8 packs (668M) that were offered on the previous site. If he doesn't get around to putting the previous packs back online, I can probably make a CD of what I have and send it to you or try and put it online for you to get.

  7. #7
    Got em both. Gotta love full adventures for under $3!

  8. #8
    Thanks Illrigger!

    Basically, any adventure I get that is under a certain page count will be priced around three bucks. Larger ones will obviously be more expensive, as will ones that are licensed from publishers. For my first two adventures though, I wanted to keep the price down.

    I've also just posted/updated my upcoming releases for July on the PRODUCTS section of my website. One is a monster accessory that can be added to any ruleset (except the default d20 ruleset, which you cannot change), and a high-level adventure city-based adventure.

    ... and, I hope to have an announcement soon on a very **COOL** new ruleset for Fantasy Grounds. If the Fates are kind, maybe even *TWO* rulesets. Stay tuned!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    What a teaser.

    Looking forward to the news.


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