Thread: Adventure: Bad Moon Waning
May 30th, 2005, 18:38 #1
Adventure: Bad Moon Waning
May 30th, 2005, 19:00 #2
Just out of curiosity, but do you have permission from WOTC to do this? Regardless if it is free for download from their site or not, I think you need permission to convert it to Fantasy Grounds AND post it for download.
I've been an advocate of respecting copyrights in this forum, and this is no exception. If WOTC says this is cool then more power to you. However, if they don't know about and it is done and distributed w/o permission, then Fantasy Grounds becomes a tool for publisher copyright violation -- which is something more than a few of us are against.
So, bottom line is: do you have permission from WOTC to post these conversions?
May 31st, 2005, 02:52 #3
Licensing Information
Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
If you think this isn't following the guidelines provided let me know and I'll make adjustments.
May 31st, 2005, 03:39 #4
Re: Licensing Information
Originally Posted by nix4
As a d20 publisher, I'm more than familiar with the SRD/d20/OGL agreements. However, that has absolutely nothing to do with taking a module that is posted as a PDF download and converting it to FG without their permission. In this case, said legal statement means nothing. The one you need to pay attention to is at:
In a nutshell, this legal statement says that everything posted to the WOTC website is owned by them, and in this case it says you cannot "repost" their stuff without their permission -- which is technically what you are doing.
I'm not trying to shut you down or anything nix, but unless someone in Redmond gives you permission to to this -- technically you can't. Now, if you email their Customer Service and they give their blessing, then kudos to you! However, if they say no way then please use it for personal use only and don't post it for public download.
Again, I say all of this from the standpoint that I do not want to see Fantasy Grounds become a vessel in the RPG industry for copyright enfringement. I say this both as a publisher and a consumer. It's hard enough for publishers right now as it is without having to worry about their property being "stolen", such as happens all the time with people scanning product and putting it on file sharing.
There are also some of us publishers that are trying to get others out there to contribute to Fantasy Grounds in the way of rulesets for their campaigns and conversions for their adventures. However, if things like copying adventures w/o permission from the publishers continue to occur, then that makes our job more difficult.
May 31st, 2005, 05:01 #5
Re: Licensing Information
Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
Your right, so I guess nobody is gonna get these modules then.
I contacted Wizards (had a specific email address I got ahold of), but of course no reply.
Do you by chance have the email to ask about reposting these modules in a different medium?
Too bad, people might have had fun.
June 1st, 2005, 02:52 #6Originally Posted by nix4
First, just email their Customer Service people. Other people in the forums have contact them successful for things like this, so there is always a chance.
Second, it's not a question of "having fun" or not, it's a question of the law. I don't mean to sound harsh, but like any industry copyright violation does nothing but hurt the business. While it is likely your intentions were honorable, the end result is the same.
Lastly, the end goal of companies like mine, Digital Adventures, is for people to "have fun" online by publishing adventures and accessories for Fantasy Grounds. If you would like to ply your Fantasy Grounds skills perhaps you can put together an adventure to be published -- I would be happy to look at it.
If you are more of a programmer and gamer than a writer, feel free to contact me as well. Down the road Digital Adventures will be looking for people to put together Fantasy Grounds adventures and rulesets for sale to the RPG industry.
In the end nix, the best advice I can give is don't let this stray your focus from the Fantasy Grounds community.
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