Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    More re: non-d20 rulesets

    What I've seen of FG thus far looks great. I was just wondering if anyone had tried to model GURPS rulesets / sheets for their group. Also, how difficult is it to build such things. Thanks!

    - Dan

  2. #2
    You are going to run into major problems trying to avoid copyright infringement with GURPS. I understand that SJ Games has an agreement with someone for the rights to distribute online gaming materials, and that they frown on others trying to cut into that agreement.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Doval
    You are going to run into major problems trying to avoid copyright infringement with GURPS. I understand that SJ Games has an agreement with someone for the rights to distribute online gaming materials, and that they frown on others trying to cut into that agreement.
    I understood the question to mean does the software allow the modeling of other rulesets? I didn't take from the question the notion that he was planning on distributing other peoples stuff.

    Maybe just me.

  4. #4

    Re: More re: non-d20 rulesets

    Quote Originally Posted by dbronson
    Also, how difficult is it to build such things. Thanks!

    - Dan
    Hmmm ... what's your geek level? From 1 to 10; 1 being a 12 o'clock flasher and 10 being having Stephen Hawkings on speed dial (11 if Stephen Hawkings has YOU on speed dial) you need a solid 6.

    Some programming experience is good -- language does not matter -- but even just html editing is OK. One weekend of digging throuh the code and playing around should give you good understanding of how the differnt files interact. After that it is just time. Design the changes, recreate the graphics and code away.

    Easy? ... that depends. A programmer with some xml experience could do it in a week. A rank novice would be able to add a house rule and change the button graphics in the same time.

  5. #5

    Re: More re: non-d20 rulesets

    Quote Originally Posted by dbronson
    What I've seen of FG thus far looks great. I was just wondering if anyone had tried to model GURPS rulesets / sheets for their group. Also, how difficult is it to build such things. Thanks!

    - Dan
    It is possible, not too difficult, not too fast to accomplish...
    I' ve tried to make something up. See The Workshop, there is a thread about this "non-d20 system" :-)

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