v3.1.7 publc release

Just a cosmetic bug. Feature still works fine. Math is good.

0. Using Pathfinder Ruleset.
1. add the "fatigued" effect to a character in the combat tracker.
2. have that character roll Initiative.
3. note the dice modifier used and see that it is 1 lower than normal (fatigued -2 Dexterity, correct).
4. note that it says "Initiative [EFFECTS]" with no modifier.
5. now roll a Dexterity check from the same fatigued character.
6. note the dice modifier used and see that it is 1 lower than normal, correct.
7. note that it says "[ABILITY] Dexterity Check [EFFECTS -1]"

Line 4 should also be showing "[EFFECTS -1]" in a similar fashion to line 7.

Looks like just a effects display variable missing with Initiative.