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Thread: token idea

  1. #1

    token idea

    We already have a transparancy color. How about a 50% transparancy color so that we can surround a token with a reach threat range? 50% so we can still see other things in that range, but they will be darker so we know its within reach.

  2. #2
    I'm not quite sure I completely understood your question, but currently you can make, say, a png-file where the transparency level (or conversely opacity) can be completely controlled in each pixel. So, threat ranges, semi-transparent ghosts etc. can be made quite easily already.

  3. #3

    An answer

    if threat range is what you are concerned about.... when you make your token, or have a token, edit in gimp or photoshop to make a translucent layer around your token at 50 px per sqaure of reach. (If you are using 50 px = 5 ft, a community standard.)

    As for making a token for this, I think that it would not be much fun if we had to apply this to every token that we put down.

    Just my .02 GP


  4. #4
    I'm not sure what he is saying, but it sparked an idea that probably wouldn't be practical but I'll say it anyway

    Have map masks tied to tokens that would be tied to specific players logged in... so you place token A for player A on a masked map and the map will unmask automatically based on how the token is moved by the dm.... and the unmasking tied to that token would only be viewed by the player tied to the token.
    Murder at Avedon Hill - Official site for novel being released February, 2007 (podcast release also begins February, 2007)
    Four Ugly Monsters - Honorary Monster, ret.

  5. #5
    great idea!!!

    "Have map masks tied to tokens that would be tied to specific players logged in... so you place token A for player A on a masked map and the map will unmask automatically based on how the token is moved by the dm.... and the unmasking tied to that token would only be viewed by the player tied to the token."

    This can be used to simulate a light source...

    I have only 1 question....How do you do that????

  6. #6
    I made this based on the OP's idea, or at least i think this is what he meant. The red color indicates forward facing area of threat, the purple is his back. It shows hoew the colors overalp. The area is actually made with the token. However this makes the token 8x larger.

  7. #7
    Yes... I can see that. Only problem is that if the tokens are larger, then it will be difficult to "pick" them as well. I like the idea of the threat range though. Something I might incorporate into my game...

    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  8. #8
    One thing I would like to see is a way to turn off the shadow on a token.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  9. #9
    An even crazier idea based on Tailz's.

    FG should have a way to associate multiple tokens together as one token. That way you can have a token of your fighter with full plate on and full plate off, one with a bow, one with a sword and shield. And other things like laying on the ground sleeping and other things. They would be bound together via XML and when you right clicked on the token you could set it's state from a list of check and radio buttons. This would allow users to create a shadow, facing and range options that could be turned on and off. In effect it would just be switching out the token picture on the board. But it would let you have a lot more ways to represent your characters on the board.
    Meetings: Not a single one of us is as dumb as all of us.

  10. #10
    I don't agree with all this token functionality being lumped into the game. To me, FG is a tabletop replacement, and as such, I don't find myself repainting my miniatures if they are donning armor or what not, or using a large translucent plastic disk beneath them to represent facing / aoe / etc.

    I would rather see focus put on improving the stability of the system, and a true client / server setup so I can run FG on my hefty server while using the GM client on my laptop.

    I'll just use imagination for the rest... otherwise I would just use Neverwinter Nights to tell my stories. It has all that stuff already in it.

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