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  1. #1

    Converted adventure: An icy grave

    I have converted the adventure An icy grave for level 01 parties, written by Mads Hvelplund.
    Author's email: [email protected]
    Author's site: https://www.darknight.dk/~mandrax

    Credits are placed in the FG module as well.

    You can download the adventure from:
    An icy grave
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004


  3. #3
    authors website is just a dice roller ?

    module download link doesnt work

  4. #4
    Sorry, mah bad.... The download should now be fixed...

    I know, the author's website is kinda... stripped but I contacted him by mail to ask if the conversion could be shared with the community and he agreed A cheer for the author!

    Btw, to respect the author's work, please do not alter the texts which are of course intellectual property of the author. But if you see structural errors in any way, feel free to adapt them. I will then update the FG module zipfile.
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  5. #5
    I've started the next conversion: The bounty hunters... Hopefully it will be finished by the end of the week....
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  6. #6
    When I open the module in FG I have only one entry in the story section and that one is credits.
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  7. #7
    I had that problem once. I solved it by adding a new group to the storypage (below). Automagically the lost group appeared again. I´ll look into it btw, thanks for noticing!
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  8. #8
    yup thanx, that worked. Thx again onky, I really like the adventure.
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  9. #9
    Thanks, well sort of, for the conversion then

    I´m thinking of remapping the map to a more suitable format in combination with the use of tokens. Now it´s a bit blurry and the grid´s a bit too small to my liking...
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

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