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  1. #41
    Just as you guys said, and additionally, you have a folder called "TOOLKIT" inside the ruleset .pak including files editable via photoshop to change the sidebar and tab icon texts. I´ve also included the fonts used (except the Mage one, because it was a special kind of font from Adobe, very similar to the one White Wolf used for the tittle of the game)

  2. #42
    It´s been a long time without posting here, I´ve been literally learning lots of coding stuff for this ruleset, and I have some interesting news about it. Initially, I started to make graphic changes, later I made other simpler coding modifications, but finally I decided to do the big jump. I´m not coder, so it´s taking a while to do some of the changes and implementations, but the results are quite interesting:
    -I´ve been able to "layer" it to work as a coreRPG-based ruleset.
    -All the game mechanics of the old ruleset are fully functional in the new one.
    -The chat is fully compatible with coreRPG: the languages section is functional, and the chat window auto-scales and is fully scalable and movable.
    -The NPC sheet design include a full featured sheet, with all the attributes, skills, merits and powers in one tab, and equipement and character description/background, etc in a second tab. I will add additional features to the 3rd tab. All the text fields in the 2nd tab are formatted text fields now.
    -I´m implementing the line selection icon to the NPC sheet too.
    -The image window include the identification upper bar.
    -The library window is fully functional now (with a bug in the sidebar button state, pending to fix)
    -The modules activarion window include now all the features of the coreRPG-based rulesets.
    -Notes are formatted text now.
    -I´ve replaced the scroll button with scrollbar where needed.

    The next immediate changes and implements I want to do:

    -Add Full formatted text fields to the PC sheet.
    -Add supernatural template selection to NPC sheet.
    -Major graphic improvements.
    -Dice pools rollable directly form PC and NPC sheets.
    -Menu windows replacements form FG 2-style to FG 3-stlyle.
    -Sidebar buttons selectable from library window.
    -DOE extensions full compatibility.
    -Calendar and tables support.
    -Auto re-roll 10s
    -re-roll 8s and 9s buttons.

    Note that the pictures includeSspanish windows. I plan to do both English and Spanish strings.

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Luthbel; May 11th, 2018 at 09:27. Reason: Add images

  3. #43
    Looks really good! Looking forward to it, I've been renewing my interest in this system here lately.

  4. #44
    Hi there!
    I´ve been working on this rulesete quite intensively these days, and It´s really close to be in a shareable beta!.
    All the features from the original nWoD ruleset are functional now, and we betatested the ruleset just yesterday and everything works fine, with some bugs that need to be fixed, but nothing too big.
    Here I show you some screen capures of the base Chronicles of Darkness ruleset and the Vampire the Requiem theme (note that the VtR background is not the one that will be available with the theme release):

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Luthbel; May 18th, 2018 at 11:32. Reason: Visible images in post

  5. #45
    And some more pictures from the V:tR theme extension:

    Last edited by Luthbel; May 18th, 2018 at 11:36. Reason: Visible images

  6. #46
    Some of the changes and improvements include:

    1. Character sheet:
    -Beats/Experiences fields added.
    -(VtR) Virtue and Vice replaced with Mask and Dirge.
    -Aspirations and Conditions fields added. Both are formatted text, so it is possible to drag links into them.
    -(VtR) Max Viatae / Per turn form added.
    -(VtR) Devotions formatted text field added, it is possible to drag links into it.
    -Expanded merits field added to emulate the 4-page classical White Wolf character sheet format. Additionally, it´s a formatted text field, so it is possible to drag links into it.
    -All the features from the World of Darkness original ruleset are fully funcional.
    -The Storyteller can now add a portrait to the character sheets.

    I have several improvements in mind:
    -Do all text fields formatted text fields
    -Convert the 5-dot fields (such as merits or disciplines) capable of accepting links from library/reference entries
    -A new tab with auto-calculated rolls/actions (such as Wits+Composure for Perception checks and stuff like that).
    -Include a "languages" field.

    NPC Sheet:
    -Fully re-done. Now its format is closer to the character sheet.
    -It includes the complete attributes and skills boxes.
    -Included two new dot list fields to the 1st page: merits and powers.
    -Increased size for the token sub-window.
    -The second tab include a simplified header field for: concept, virtue, vice, age, faction and group.
    -The second page also include fields for background, description, notes and roleplaying hints.

    *I have several improvements in mind:
    -Include the supernatural template selection function to the NPC sheet.
    -Use the 3rd tab for auto-calculated rolls/actions (such as Wits+Composure for Perception checks and stuff like that).

    Desktop and Sidebar:
    -Full graphic improvement: almost all the elements replaced with new graphics.
    -The chat window include now all the features of coreRPG.
    -All the menus are also coreRPG and fully funcional.
    -Like in coreRPG, it is possible now to do a custom sidebar setup from the Library window.
    -The use of the older "Efects" menu is now in "Modifiers".
    -The image frame include now all the features of coreRPG.

    *I have several improvements in mind:
    -Add buttons for "reroll-8" and "reroll-9" options, as well as +/- 1 and 2 close to the dice zone od the desktop.
    -Create a languages extension, with the diferent real world alphabets (modern and ancient), and do something creative to emulate the languages written with the latin alphabet.
    -Modify the Item entry window to add the features of Chronicles of Darkness item rules.
    -The combat tracker have the features of the old ruleset, and it is also compatible with the size/range, effects and target features of coreRPG.
    -Add "weapons" and "armor" buttons and tables to the items menu. Not very important in contemporary games, but very interesting for "dark eras" settings.

    -I´ve made tests with some of the coreRPG extensions and everything works fine.
    -I´ve modified (for personal use) the DOE base and sound extensions and it fie seamlessly with the ruleset. I will contact Dulux to see if is it possible to update them.

    Known Issues:
    -Problem with GMIdentity: the GM rolls can´t be secret.
    -The dice tower rolls are also visible to all players.
    -The character willpower and health box fields in the combat tracker can´t be edited by the GM.
    -It is possible to create complete tables, but rolling does not generate a result in the chat, story window, etc.

    **I plan to add compatibility, and create custom interface themes for all the Chronicles of Darkness game lines. The Next ones will be Mage the Awakening, Changeling the Lost and Werewolf the Forsaken (in this order). I also plan to do Dark Eras themes (starting with Requiem for Rome).
    ***The Character sheets depicted in the screen captures are in Spanish, but the beta release will include both English and Spanish versions.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Reference/library documents will not be included.
    Last edited by Luthbel; May 18th, 2018 at 12:30. Reason: Some extra info

  7. #47
    Amazing work


  8. #48

  9. #49

    Amazing! Really nice job!

  10. #50
    Honken's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Umeå, Sweden, GMT +2
    Is this available to DL from anywhere? I could not find it on the site.


    We don't stop playing because we grow old,
    we grow old because we stop playing!

    Now running the first installment of Horizons of the Vast, a Starfinder Campaign, and Kingmaker 2nd ed.

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