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  1. #1

    converting word modules

    hi guys

    i have created a tool for converting word modules into db.xml

    more info here



  2. #2
    This tool is so useful.

    Thank U so much for this tool. This is gonna save me some serious time,
    and it works fine.

    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  3. #3
    Would it be possible to integrate the "tabs feature" of the story section in this tool?
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  4. #4
    what do you mean by the tabs section ?

  5. #5
    Where U can sort the information in different groups (also possible with images and npc´s/monsters). The small coloured flags below the text. I am on another computer atm. (without FG) so I maybe Im wrong, but I am quiet sure the story section has the flags to sort the storyline, like the maps section has.

    Is it possible to integrate other stuff like links and the like in the tool?
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  6. #6
    i will have a look and see about the tabs (never noticed them before)
    I basically wrote it so i could take an OCR module into work, highlight box text & room descriptions and then easily make them into FG format

    the bells and whisles like links etc can be added by hand once the main import is done

    i might add some features, but i knocked it together in about 2 hours this morning. maybe next week when its slow at work i can look at some other stuff


  7. #7
    well i had a look at the tab function

    it sets a new definition on your login name i.e

    <categorydef holder="Chris" definition="0,2&#58;1,4&#58;2,6&#58;" />
    this sets up 3 tabs..the format is colour, icon then seperated by a colon

    the example above generates a red, green and blue Tab

    colours are
    0 red
    1 green
    2 blue
    3 yellow
    4 purple

    there are eight icons

    as it uses your name i cant see an easy way to add this to the macro

    you could hand code it into the xml (it goes in the 3rd line of the db file)

    to assign individual nodes to a tab you can edit the xml to achieve that too

    normally the node looks like this

    <node name="00001">
    <stringvalue name="name" value="Swamp" />
    to make a story appear on tab 2 just edit the node name line as below

    <node name="00002" category="1">
    <stringvalue name="name" value="Forest" />
    hope that helps


  8. #8
    Thank you Tarrasque. Ill test it and report back. I am a complete noob, when it comes to XML, but I guess I have to modify the xml sheet in a html editor. Should be doable.
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

  9. #9
    your only about a week behind me on xml

    msd (i think) recommended a xml editor called ALTOVA xml spy

    go on their homepage and download the home version (its free)

    then have a look at the db.xml files in your campaign folder to get an idea whats happening

    use FG to make a few trial campaigns..then look at the db.xml file

    it seems fairly easy once you get the hang of it


  10. #10
    Yes, thank U again Chris

    Everything works as explained. The tool is fantastic and the XML editing easy (when guided so nicely). I got everything set up as U explained and it works fine. Module creation is getting a really nice affair this way.
    Will be nice when the list of illegal characters is finished, thats the only drawback (I had quiet a few).
    Looking at the XML-files I begin to understand a few things. Might even try to "mod" a little, Im beginning to get the taste for it

    I know I repeat myself, but this is THE mod so far
    *delves back into module creation*
    Fantasy Adventures, Maps & Electronic Modules

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