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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I play if it isn't a common item you need to identify it with the spell and for common rarity items you can figure them out over a short rest.

  2. #12
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Johnstown ON
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    There's usually a town drunk that will test anything out for a few coppers.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  3. #13
    How can I identify an potion for example for a player?
    If he/she equip it and i give him/her a short/long rest, nothing happens.. Is it a bug???

  4. #14
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    It doesn't happen automatically. You have to click the id button (if it is red) and it will change to green. The player will then be able to see the item.
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  5. #15
    You can also change the identification state while it is in the party treasure within the party sheet.


  6. #16
    Thanks for the fast reply. You people saved my evening. :P

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnD View Post
    There's usually a town drunk that will test anything out for a few coppers.
    That reminds me of an old way we used to check for cursed items when I was much younger: give everything to the thief, have him practice with it, then demand he gives it back. If he refuses, the fighters knock him unconscious and treat the item as cursed (take it away to be destroyed). It became very effective once the thief realized he could save himself a beating if he handed over the item but virtually all cursed items at the time had the clause that you cannot willingly give up the item. And it was one of those thieves who insisted on stealing from the party so no one liked him.

  8. #18
    I am with you, I feel (as both a player and DM) that simply cuddling an item for an hour (i.e., focusing on it over a short rest) should not identify it. Why? 1) there is a 1st level ritual spell (identify) that should be used for that and has a 1 time cost of 100gp to get the pearl so that is already easy to do. and 2) why would a completely non-magical individual like a champion or battle master fighter have any way of determining an item is magic aside from a sentient weapon that talks to them? The whole you know it is magic because it is shiny or vibrates or whatever is really dumb to me.

    So the way I do magic items is first, I am sure to describe them in such a way that there is something a little unusual about them or something happens when they use it. That depends on the kind of item. So for a magic sword I would describe it as appearing in fine condition despite the other weapons on the old rotted weapon rack being pitted with rust, or maybe describe it seeming to cut deeper than expected first time they use it. If it is an item with a 'code word' to activate an effect then I usually have some kind of hint visually on the item (e.g., some script in an unknown language on the hilt). Either/both of those is usually enough for a party to think "hey there might be something special about this weapon." From there I require players to either cast identify, make an appropriate knowledge check (history, arcana, or religion usually depending on the item and I only let them if they ask me something like does this symbol/amulet/etc. remind me of anything my character would know), experiment with the item (e.g., a player could find boots of striding and springing and put them on without identifying them then first time they go to run or jump I would describe how it feels easier and they seem to move a little bit faster or jump further), or take the item to someone in the world who can cast identify or has relevant knowledge.

    Items that require attunement would give a small narrative only version of their effect if the character experimented in an appropriate manner. Items that do not require attunement and just work when equipped would do their full effect (but I wouldn't just out right tell them, I do things like describe the armor as feeling easier to move in or particularly resilient). Each 'succesful' experiment or knowledge check lowers the DC to identify the item and I roll a hidden intellegence check for the player behind my screen. If they beat the DC to identify the item then it is as though they cast identify on it. I start the DC around 30 and decrease the DC for each success based on how telling the experiment result was or how specific the question for the knowledge skill check was (simply recognizing an axe being of dwarven make and master craftsmanship is less telling than if the PC asked "does this axe remind me of any weapons in the legends of my clan?").

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