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  1. #1

    Mundane & Magical Equipment Library

    Last edited by Ken L; December 21st, 2018 at 10:51.

  2. #2
    Updated to a formal 1.0, now contains all mundane items under the sun, as well as all listed magic items current to date.

    This goes perfect with item identification being on. Add some mystery to your parcels without the pain.
    Update 1.0: More is Better!
    Last edited by Ken L; October 22nd, 2015 at 18:13.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Dragging weapons from your module into a character's inventory does not automatically create a weapon entry on the actions tab like several of the other modules do. It might be that "weapon" in the type field is not capitalized?

  5. #5
    Would also be nice if the weapon sections were sorted in the same order as the web site/rulebook. Although with a search box, that's not as important, assuming you know what you're looking for.

  6. #6
    Update 1.02 unicode + weapon fixes
    Changed: Damage types are now unified, information such as (B or S) or (B and S) has been removed in favor of simple CSV. Reason: I'd assume that the most effective damage type is used for auto-damage calculations.
    Fixed: Weapons should now drag-drop (by changing case to upper)'
    Fixed: Stripped all unicode as it made interesting problems, sometimes d20pfsrd had graves rather than apostrophes, same with left-apostrophes and right-apostrophes as well as other odd, unexpected constructs

    Quote Originally Posted by darrenan View Post
    Would also be nice if the weapon sections were sorted in the same order as the web site/rulebook. Although with a search box, that's not as important, assuming you know what you're looking for.
    The sorting is automated by alphabetical order of the item title type (books before containers etc..). I'm not fond of hand-editing anything as I automate wherever possible. Doing things by hand is 19th century for me, especially large data-sets (hello yahoo). I could have sort options for each major item category, but that would essentially be using a context sort. The way I have structured my data heap at the end doesn't preserve the page-load order (up->down) for the read in items. For now, I'll probably leave it as is. As a bonus, I cheated for weapons by sorting in reverse so it kinda looks like the normal page order, but only for the weapons page.
    Last edited by Ken L; October 23rd, 2015 at 11:33.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken L View Post
    Update 1.02 unicode + weapon fixes
    Changed: Damage types are now unified, information such as (B or S) or (B and S) has been removed in favor of simple CSV. Reason: I'd assume that the most effective damage type is used for auto-damage calculations.
    You should actually make sure (I'm at work, not at home, so I can't verify whether this is working or not) that the damage types end up being "bludgeoning", "slashing", or "piercing", particularly after they are auto-populated in the actions tab. These are the actual damage types recognized by the ruleset for the purposes of bypassing DR. And make them comma-separated (looks like you did that part already) which is the form FG expects them in.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Noticed one more thing, all your armor entries have positive numbers for armor check penalty instead of negative.

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