5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    Template for Player(s) Looking for Group Listings

    Well, it has been over 2 years since I wrote up the Template for Game Listings and Fantasy Grounds as well as this board has changed and grown a good bit since then. Back then, most posts were GM's looking for players, but now the split seems less than 50% GM's looking for players versus Players looking for a game or group. So, I want to help eager players find a game with this template for them.

    Starting with the Title of your post. Let us start with a good example and work backwards.
    LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Tue Wed or Thurs CST US Time Zone prefer 5E

    Start with LFG so people can see at first glance you are not posting a game for others to join, but that you are looking for a game or group.
    Then, the number of players you have. Some people are looking for just themselves, others have a small group already that want to play together.
    Time of Day and days you are available as well as Time Zone. You can go into greater detail in the post but put basics in the Title to save others time.
    Lastly, if you have a preferred game system or specific adventure you would like to play, mention that here if you have the room in the Title.

    Ok, now onto the post.

    FG License: mention if you only have the Free game or paid game, this way GM's can know if you can play in their game or not.
    Time Zone: i.e. Central Time USA, etc.
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: What days and times are you able to play? Are you looking for weekly game, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
    Term: i.e. Long term keep playing for a while, or just want to work through a module, or looking for a one-shot.
    Voice: Can you voice chat for gaming and are you willing to download whichever software the group is using to voice chat during games?

    Game System Preferred: The game system(s) you are looking to play i.e. Pathfinder, D&D 5E, etc.
    Game System Experience: The game system(s) you have some knowledge/experience with i.e. Pathfinder, D&D 5E, etc.
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: How familiar are you with Fantasy Grounds? Being new is ok, you may find people willing to help you build a character and get used to the software even if they don't have room in a game for you at this time or are playing on different days than you can. This will also let a GM know to maybe work with you before the scheduled game session to iron out some basics.

    Character Type Preferred: If you really like playing a certain class or type, say so here. Also, if you really hate being a certain class or type, mention it here.
    About me: Sell yourself. What type of game do you like to play? i.e. Heavy combat, heavy roleplay, lots of out of character joking, or must everything be in character, or anything and everything in-between. You don't have to share what you don't want to share, this is the extra bit that may help a potential GM see if you might fit the group already in the game. You can go into more detail here about your previous RPG experience if you want. We gamers take many forms and sometimes things just don't mesh well, that happens. This section may help prevent some of that, but misses can still happen.

    I hope this helps you find a gaming group you like and have fun. If I missed anything, please say so below. Also, if you are new and willing to play one-shots, it is worth looking into the Pathfinder Society or D&D Adventurer's League Games on the forum also under Game Organization.

    In addition please be aware that many games will fill up within hours of the GM posting their game. The GM in many cases will never ever need to go and approach players. Making a LFG post is a good thing but if you really want to play then consider also doing the following:
    • Visit the boards daily and use the New Posts link and apply to games directly
    • Play in One Shots even of they are not exactly the system or genre you ultimately want to play
    • Play games at FG Con and FG Daze
    • If you get accepted into a game and something changes or you didnt like it - communicate with the GM

    These things will help you get into a game far more quickly.

    Please read the replies below as they offer help as well. Another other tip people have mentioned, many GM's don't pick up players who post that they are looking for games because their LFP ads generate enough interest they dont need to. Additionally in the LFP ad the GM is able to go into some detail as to what type of game they are running in their post, and this lets you, as a player, better know what you are getting into and how you might fit into that game and group.
    Last edited by damned; January 28th, 2019 at 00:13. Reason: Added info
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  2. #2
    This should get sticky. As these suggestions keep getting repeated every 2 days or so..mind you I don't mind helping when I can and welcoming people to this wondrous hobby and tool.

    Ultimate Licenholder

  3. #3
    Excellent Post! Well done!

    I strongly recommend people use this template as its got just about all the info I'd want as a GM from a potential Player.

    One other thing I like to get off my Players (& GM's, when I play) is their Desired or Perceived "Style" of game. This can be be given as a simple percentage-triplet (Combat/Problem Solving/Role-Playing: 20/30/50), but I like to see this visually, which is why I developed and use my Campaign Style Graph Extension (available here - yes, another blatant piece of self-promotion ).

    This looks like:
    Attachment 10804

    Oh, and I've "Stikied" the thread


    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
    ...And it was Delicious!

    ICT Professional
    GMing Since 1982
    NSW, Australia, UTC +10
    LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/mjblack

    Watch our games on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/dulux_oz

    Support Me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/duluxoz

    Past Games, etc, on my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/duluxoz

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dulux-oz View Post
    - yes, another blatant piece of self-promotion
    At least you're consistent.

    I don't look for players out of posts on the forums (I'd rather they message me after reading the game description). But if I did, this is the information I'd look for.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    At least you're consistent.
    True, but you've got to admit that, even though it is self-promotion, it does help out others in this great hobby use this great product to the fullest - no?

    And I did mean what I said about it being a great post!


    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
    ...And it was Delicious!

    ICT Professional
    GMing Since 1982
    NSW, Australia, UTC +10
    LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/mjblack

    Watch our games on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/dulux_oz

    Support Me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/duluxoz

    Past Games, etc, on my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/duluxoz

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    USA, Grand Island, New York
    Time zone:

    Number of Players:

    Time of Day Available:

    Fantasy Grounds License:

    Term of game play:


    Game System Preferred:

    Game System Experience:

    Fantasy Grounds Experience:

    Character Type Preferred:

    About Yourself:

    How's This for a Template for people to use?

    Just copy and paste this then fill in the blanks

  7. #7
    I see what you mean Genghis Tebo, a blank thing to copy & paste.

    FG License:
    Time Zone:
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time:

    Game System Preferred:
    Game System Experience:
    Fantasy Grounds Experience:

    Character Type Preferred:

    About me:
    Full License owner
    Destroyer of Bacon
    The thin line between genius and insanity is dotted.

  8. #8
    LFG lower level to get started with a new group. I have 1 player but can get more probably if needed. I am available any day except Saturdays. I live in GMT time zone.

    I am looking 5e or 2e D&D.

    Ok, now onto the post.

    FG License: Free Gme currently till I try.
    Time Zone:GMT
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Not Saturdays but any
    Term: Long term wanted.
    Voice: Prefer voice at least.

    Game System Preferred: 5e
    Game System Experience: 5e and 2e
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: First time on FG

    Character Type Preferred: I like to roll my character everytime and class but willing to take a DM class or character needed and run with that.
    About me: I like voice roleplaying my pc and having a good time hanging out. Not into metagaming but fine with table talk and enjoy that.

  9. #9
    I have no game I'm looking for friends to dedicate to

  10. #10
    Time zone: Central Time

    Number of Players:1

    Time of Day Available:6 to 9 Wednesday, Friday

    Fantasy Grounds License: paid

    Term of game play: D&D 5e

    Voice/Visual: voice

    Game System Preferred:5e

    Game System Experience:6 out of 10

    Fantasy Grounds Experience: 8 out 10

    Character Type Preferred:Mixed

    About Yourself: I have played many games of 5e. I have been a dm and player. I want be a player for a bit in an adult game.

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