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  1. #1

    Interested in GURPS Old West

    I doubt there are any campaigns going for this, but I'd definitely be interested. I have the 3rd edition basic and Old West edition. I think I also have a copy of different edition that I haven't really looked at.

    Speaking of looking at editions, that's all I've ever done with GURPS. I have never actually played it, so I'm definitely a beginner.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Mandrick View Post
    I doubt there are any campaigns going for this, but I'd definitely be interested. I have the 3rd edition basic and Old West edition. I think I also have a copy of different edition that I haven't really looked at.

    Speaking of looking at editions, that's all I've ever done with GURPS. I have never actually played it, so I'm definitely a beginner.
    Hello Baron Von Mandrick - still looking for someone to run you through GURPS and OLD WEST? If so, let me know and I'll see what we can work out.

  3. #3
    Ya a western game in gurps is fun but it's like panning for gold when looking for content. It is rare. Gurps is kinda a niche game system and westerns are a niche setting. So there is so few options. And if you don't want it to be a Deadlands, just a straight forward western setting its even thinner for material. I am building my world/campaign by my self. But there are a good chunk of resources to draw from.But its up to you to do all the assembly/leg work.I envy fantasy DMs for their ability to have tons of content to pick and choose from,ready to run or at worst just a bit of re-skinning work. I am just learning Fantasy Grounds so I am not yet up to being confident enough to run an online game yet,but if you need any pointers on content I have some handy resources I use.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    Hi Drath3n,
    If I were to run a Western Campaign on Fantasy Grounds 2 using GURPS, my biggest stumbling block would be trying to get maps and using the combat minder - those two things aren't much of what I've been able to get into unfortunately.

    I have gotten my hands on ACES AND EIGHTS, a product that I'd recommend to anyone as a reference book, but have not been able to employ with my own face to face crew. They've been using GURPS with me for the past 30 years (Ye gads, has it been THAT long!) and aren't much willing to learn new game systems. In all fairness, we've been able to do a LOT with GURPS over the years simply because it isn't hard to create houserules where needed. Before GURPS HIGH TECH came out, I was using a fusion of AFTERMATH gun design rules and GURPS, where I created a baseline M-16 in AFTERMATH and compared it against GURPS 1st edition and went from there. So, making the stuff I need isn't a big deal for me. Hell, before GURPS HIGH TECH ADVENTURE GUNS came out, I had my own stats for various cartridges that exist in real life - so that wasn't even a real problem (Thanks to CATRIDGES OF THE WORLD 8th edition!). The real issue for me is starting up a campaign for "Strangers". If there isn't a meeting of the minds between the GM and the player(s), then we run into issues. That having been said, it takes for a GM to reach out, and a player or two to reach back before there can be a story.

    Resources that I have available are:
    Aces and Eights
    A fair number of TIME LIFE's OLD WEST series books
    A fair number of Movies along the lines of SHADOW RIDERS, OUTLAW JOSEY WALES, THE QUICK AND THE DEAD, UNFORGIVEN etc.

    Along with that, I've a writers guide to the 1800's and another one that is of a similar vein. Toss in my love for history, and well, I reckon I can give it a decent shot. I've ridden horses in early on in my life, and even had to grab a young lady off a runaway horse once (would NEVER have done it had I thought about it initially, I just reacted!), and have had my share of incidents and such (including having the rope corral drop and the horses getting away in the night). Ain't nothing more frustrating than trying to catch a horse afoot that doesn't want to be gotten.

    In any event - Any other resources (including online ones) would be of interest. Pike's Peak is available on line - and I can give you the URL for that if you're interested. So, by all means, feel free to add more resources for me to enjoy. Even if I don't end up running a Western Campaign, I'll always enjoy being able to look at what you're suggesting. Someday, I'm going to paint my western gunfighter figures, print out the Whitewash City paper buildings, and have a surprise waiting for my face to face gamers (ok, for some of them, my wife is one of the crew and games, so I can't hide EVERYTHING from her!). I figure that will happen when I retire some 11'ish years from now.

    Well, nice meeting y'all.


  5. #5
    Wow,looks like you are set,my main recource I was going to suggest was Aces & Eight. As far as the maps thats something I like to do. Not a pro by any means but it's something I like to do. Here are a few I've made. Go ahead and use them if you want.
    Attachment 14345
    Attachment 14346
    Attachment 14347

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    Nicely Done.

    Question for you...

    1) are you available to chat via FG2.
    2) there is no 2.

    (One implies two, etc...)

  7. #7
    Sure,just need to figure out how to connect. The whole port forwarding thing is new territory for me.

  8. #8

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    Western New York
    Open up FG2 at your end. Then click on join game. From there, a window will open up that requires you to enter the name you will sign on with, along with the IP address someone supplies to you for joining the host game. Then click Start. You may also desire to upgrade your version to 3.1.7 somewhere along the way. Let me know when you want to try to sign on, and I'll set it up for running. I'm online now and will be for approximately 1 hour until 10 PM Eastern Standard time today.

  9. #9
    No I mean the whole port forwarding thing,I am clueless. when I try test connection it fails. I know you need to port forward or something but that is out of my knowledge base. Just tried to look up the process but I just cant make it work,not sure what I am doing :/ I will keep trying another day.

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    Drath3n if you are a player you might notice that the connection test is NOT on the Join Game screen... it is only on the Load Campaign or Create Campaign screens. Players do not need to have any inbound port forwarding setup.

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