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  1. #11
    By the way, I've got an issue : I've reproduced exactly your code, etc, but the window is still not resizabe. The <resize_campaignlistwithtabs /> tag doesn't seem to work. Do I have to do an includefile or something do I do somethin wrong ?

    I've got this output in the consloe :

    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (sizelimits) in windowclass (TutorialWindow)
    Runtime Notice: s'self' | windowinstance = { class = TutorialWindow, node = nil, x,y,w,h = 412,284,200,200 }
    Runtime Notice: s'getclass' | s'TutorialWindow'
    Runtime Notice: s'getDatabaseNode' | nil
    Runtime Notice: s'getFrame' | s'campaignlistwithtabs'
    The mouse's cursor isn't even shapeshifting when hovering over TutorialWindow's bottom right corner

    Any hint ?

  2. #12
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I've duplicated what lochost has encountered. the only output I get in the console is;
    Ruleset Warning: Could not find template (sizelimits) in windowclass (TutorialWindow)
    I'm running it in a new CoreRPG Campaign. I'm guessing that "sizelimits" comes from one of the other rulesets (5E maybe)?
    p.s. how'd you get that code block?

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  3. #13

    Getting CODE to display

    Go into the Advanced editor, select the text you want in a code block, and hit the # symbol.

    I'm a code snippet, if there was more, I might be a full block.

    No signature needed, please leave parcel on the porch.

  4. #14
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I've duplicated the re-sizing error and resolved it.

    The <sizelimits> has to be declared outside of the <sheetdata> tag. Page 10 of your tutorial shows;
    <dynamic />
    <close_campaignlist />
    <resize_campaignlistwithtabs />
    But the appendix shows it correctly;

    <dynamic />
    </sizelimits> <sheetdata>
    <script> ...
    Still a great tutorial. Thanks

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #15
    wasn't home this weekend, on my way home, I can't wait to try this ! Thanks Jeff for the great tuto, and thank's Lord entrails for the solution !
    Last edited by lochost; August 16th, 2015 at 17:06.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jreddin1 View Post
    Basically, the release is the version of FantasyGrounds that your extension is expecting to extend. So, by using 3.0, then any FG release that is 3.x should work with the extension. If you used 2.0, then your extension won't work with anything in 3.x because there were significant changes between 2.x and 3.x. If you want to be specific, you could specify 3.1, but then your extension won't load for someone with 3.0, or 2.9, etc.

    Most people keep their FG updated most likely, so using the latest version in your extension probably won't be an issue. The key here is that "release" is not YOUR release, it's the FG release.

    Version doesn't seem to do much of anything that I can tell, but i think it's supposed to be where the '2' in '3.1.2' would go...
    Yep. Definitely copy-pasta error. Fixed now (In all the places I copy pasted), plus a few spelling errors I noticed. Thanks for the feed back!

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I've duplicated the re-sizing error and resolved it.

    The <sizelimits> has to be declared outside of the <sheetdata> tag. Page 10 of your tutorial shows;
    <dynamic />
    <close_campaignlist />
    <resize_campaignlistwithtabs />
    But the appendix shows it correctly;

    <dynamic />
    </sizelimits> <sheetdata>
    <script> ...
    Still a great tutorial. Thanks
    It was a copy paste error. If you look at the "final" in the appendix, it's right there. I've fixed it now, thanks to the sharp readers!

  8. #18
    So I finally decided to work on an extension rather than simple modules and Jeff; this is exactly the jumpstart I was looking for.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken L View Post
    So I finally decided to work on an extension rather than simple modules and Jeff; this is exactly the jumpstart I was looking for.
    Thanks! I'm glad it's helping out. I'm thinking about writing a new extension myself. I'll probably have to refer to my own guide to refresh my memory. Sucks getting old...

  10. #20
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Thanks Jeff for an incredibly useful tutorial. I worked through it over the course of a couple days. Copying and pasting code a little at a time. Oddly enough, I had a couple typos that caused me some grief! I still have something wrong in my code, anchoring seems to be the issue. I'll chase it down on my own, helping solidify the lessons learned. And it doesn't unnecessarily string this thread out to 50 pages in length. As mentioned in the tutorial some controls are non functional. One thing that might be nice is a screen shot of your final resultant window. I'd know if I'm chasing red herrings then. Again thank you so much for the excruciating time you spent documenting this project for others, like me, to follow!

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