Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Modifying the Dark Heresy ruleset

    I have a question...

    I'm playing with the Dark Heresy Ruleset provided hereon on this website...

    As such - where would I look to modifiy the logic behind being Trained in a Skill vs. Not Being Trained

    I.E. 50% values was 1st Edition
    2nd Edition now does the -20% thing

    I'd like to mod me ruleset to reflect this - any suggestions?

    On an off note funny enough I have some software called ALIAS FIND & REPLACE which can search the code of individual files within a folder (i.e. directory) for specifics in the file code; figured I would have found some math like "50/2" or the like... go figure

    TTYL FG Community!

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    i dont have time to have a look right now but start with teh character sheet and find the class for the skills.
    search back on that term for other files containing that term.
    you might have to search a further level deep again using the next search term...

  3. #3
    I'm no programmer but suspect that this may be the section of code that need adjusting...

    campaign > record_char_skills.xml

    function getTotal()
    local nAB = tonumber(window.stat.getValue());
    local nAdv1 = window.skillAdv1.getValue();
    local nAdv2 = window.skillAdv2.getValue();
    local nAdv3 = window.skillAdv3.getValue();
    local nAdv4 = window.skillAdv4.getValue();
    local nTR = window.skilltrained.getValue();
    local nST = 0;

    if nAdv1 == 1 then
    nAdv1 = 10;
    nAdv1 = 0;

    if nAdv2 == 1 then
    nAdv2 = 10;
    nAdv2 = 0;
    if nAdv3 == 1 then
    nAdv3 = 10;
    nAdv3 = 0;
    if nAdv4 == 1 then
    nAdv4 = 10;
    nAdv4 = 0;

    if nTR == 1 then
    nST = nAB + nAdv1 + nAdv2 + nAdv3 + nAdv4;
    nST = math.floor(nAB * .5);


    nST = math.floor(nAB * .5);

    That right there means to divide by half, right? (can anyone be soo kind as to post up the code to change this to -20% untrained skills)

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Please post more info on the actual numbers.
    -20% could be as simple as changing it to nST = math.floor(nAB * .8);
    but I suspect you actually want to subtract 20 and not 20%?
    if you want to subtract 20 is there a minimum number? what is the minimum number?
    You could try this.
    nST1 = nAB-20;
    if nST1 < 0 then
    nST1 = 0;
    else nST = nST1;


  5. #5
    Yes I meant -20 to the skill which would be technically -20 from the corresponding "stat" associated to said skill...

    Minimum number being 0; yes...

    I tried the above - to no avail (laughs)
    I thank you damned I think I'm going to give up on FG and never support it till it matures maybe in 10 years I'll come back to it
    - programming shouldn't be required at consumer level (sell this company to someone who can bankroll and full realize it please)


  6. #6
    How can I convert the rule set to Adeptus Evangelion?

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