1. #1

    WHFRP 2E PotD question

    Greetings all,
    i am about too begin the paths of the damned set of books. my question is what should we run afterwords? i have looked at a few books and some things made me think but. does anyone know of a campaign
    that stars in or around you're third Career? thanks all for any help


  2. #2
    Thousand Thrones has a very good reputation, is often described as the best Warhammer Fantasy campaign. I don't know the others so I can't say for sure, but I played most of it as a player and again as a GM and if that's the case I'm going to say that at best it's the lesser of evils.

    The book is badly written and edited, with serious time and geographic issues (it's like most of the authors didn't even read a map), and there are several gaping holes in here were players with at least half a brain will missed most of a chapter (because it's the smart thing to do even if they don't know it) or will derail the campaign. Chapters 2 and 7 especially have huge issues, plot issues even. Plus the usual small common errors know and then.

    On top of that, it's a campaign meant for beginners. They don't say it outright, but for some experienced 3rd careers characters that will logically try to get the world around more involved, you might get problems. It all depends on your characters, but if you have in your group a very good leader and a decent rogue-spy-like character, your players can take control of the Crusade by themselves.

    So it's a possibility, but read carefully through it before, check the geography and timeline, and adjust the difficulty. I'm not talking about putting three orcs when there was one, I'm talking about social dynamic, politics, interpersonal relation.

    I don't know the other campaigns, can't help on that. One thing you might want to try is to play somewhat sandbox, let your players go (well, try to) after what they want, using loose end from previous campaigns for example.

    Also, wrong forum, if a moderator could move the thread

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