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  1. #1

    EXT: Expanded Effect Tags

    This extension is no longer supported in FG 3.0.4.
    Expanded Effect Tags Extension
    Version: 1.8
    Compatibility: FG II v. 3.0.3
    Rulesets: 3.5E & PFRPG
    With help from: Trenloe
    Description: A series of additional tags for effect labels. Several ruleset files are altered so check the Modification Specifics if you plan to combine this with other extensions. The Caster Level Tag uses the CL of the spell group to scale the bonus or penalty of the effect before applying it. The Remove Effect Tag adds a GM option to allow players to remove effects without changing the combat tracker's interface. The Save Subtype Tag allows effects to apply to various subtypes of saving throws. The Crit Tag acts like a DMG tag but only applies on critical hits. The Creature Type Tag expands on Trenloe's alignment extension (with permission) allowing a PC's or NPC's type, subtype, and alignment to be used as filters on many tags and even spell and weapon damage. The Terrain Conditions can now be added to a creature to benefit from abilities that work only in a certain terrain using the IF: tag. The Stack Tag is useful for counting non-modifier effects by adding and removing from the stack. The Concentration Tag allows effects to modifier concentration checks. The Spell Penetration Tag allows effects to modifier caster level checks.

    V1.8 Update Notes
    • This extension now fixes a bug with the DMG tag that could result in effect damage dice being used by DMG effects with no dice.
    • Spell subtypes not working in the AC: tag. Fixed.
    • CL tag not working when not in first effect part. Fixed.
    • Reworked spell subtypes to process separate from save type allowing a single type (i.e. reflex) and multiple subtypes.
    • Added 'all' as a knowledge type that modifies all knowledge checks.
    • Added '-spell' to some spell subtypes to differentiate damage types from spell types.
    • Error: malformed pattern (missing ']'). Fixed.
    • Added a 'CONCEN' tag to allow effect modifiers to concentration checks.
    • Added a 'SPEN' tag to allow effect modifiers to caster level checks.
    • Added conditions to the IMMUNE: tag.
    • Healing applied as zero hit points. Fixed.
    • Combined extension throwing errors for 'ExpandedEffectTags'. Fixed.

    Modification Specifics


    -- Caster Level Tag --
    How to Use
    When creating an effect that is meant to scale with caster level, use the following CL tag in place of the usual modifier: #xCL, where # is the base multiplier to caster level (usually a 1). Several optional parts can be applied to the tag to better control as defined below. All parts must be applied directly to the tag with no spaces between them.

    CL Step: '#CL' ...The number of levels for each multiple of the modifier. 
         For instance, '1x2CL' means +1 for every 2 levels or the FG 'Even CL' option.
    Shift: either 'CL#' or 'CL-#' ...Shifts the value of the caster level before calculation begin. 
         A tag of '1xCL-1' at CL 5 would use 4 as the caster level.
    Adjust: either 'a#' or 'a-#' ...A positive adjust makes the final modifier bigger; 
         a negative adjust makes the final modifier smaller. 
         A tag of '1x2CLa1' at CL 6 would result in a +4 bonus.
    Min Modifier: 'm#' ...Caps the final modifier to a minimum of #.
    Max Modifier: 'M#' ...Caps the final modifier to a maximum of #.
    Dice: 'd#' ...If a die code is placed at the end of the tag,
         the modifier will turn into a number of dice. (Remember,
         FG doesn't support negative dice and will treat them as positive.)
    For a penalty, place a '-' before the tag (note that the while the modifier is a penalty all the parts treat the number as a positive; for example a positive Adjust still makes the penalty bigger). See the example below of a CL tags for an effect at caster level 12. The first represents a full set of parts while the second shows the Max Modifier kicking in.

    Attachment 6156

    Some example tags:
    • '1x2CL1' is the FG 'Odd CL' option.
    • 'AC: 1x6CLa2M5 deflection' is the shield of faith spell.
    • 'RESIST: 10x4CL1m10M30 fire' is the resist energy (fire) spell.
    • 'ATK: -1x4CLa1 melee; DMG: 3x4CLa3' is the Power Attack feat for a 2-H weapon if you use your BAB as the CL of a spell class for feats.
    • 'DMG: 1x2CL1d6' is the rogue sneak attack ability when using CL as class level.
    • 'AC: 1x6CLa1 dodge melee' is the barbarian guarded stance rage power when using CL as class level.

    How Does It Work
    When the effect is applied to a creature, FG converts the CL tag into a modifier based on the current CL value in the spell class the effect is stored in. Effects that do not have a caster level (such as from the Effects Window) are treated as having a caster level of 1.

    The order in which parts are applied is: shift, step, multiplier, adjust, min, max, attach die. Decimal numbers are not supported at this time but if there is a need for a fractional shift or multiplier, I can add it.

    Some elements that interact with effects or the new effect tags:
    • effect objects now have a caster level value named "nClc" which propagates through the creation of the effect, the OOB message, and the reconstruction.

    -- Remove Effect Tag --
    How to Use
    To remove an effect from yourself or another creature in the combat tracker, simply make an effect with the tag 'REMOVE: ' followed by the full name of the effect to be removed. For instance, to remove the 'Sneak Attack; DMG: 1d6' effect, you would make an effect called 'REMOVE: Sneak Attack; DMG: 1d6'. Then you just apply the removal effect to the target. A special button represents the removal effect, but a current bug requires FG to be restarted for it to show.

    How Does It Work
    The removal tag searches the target for an effect with the name indicated after the 'REMOVE:' and removes it.

    -- Save Subtype Tag --
    How to Use
    When making a save bonus or penalty effect, you can now use a spell school, subschool, or descriptor as the save type in addition to the usual fortitude, reflex, and will. For a spell to register as having a school, subschool and/or descriptor, make sure these are filled out in the School field in the spell description. A spell from one of the 3.5E or PFRPG spell modules should already have this information filled in when you drag it to your character sheet or an npc sheet. See the example below for a PC being given effects with subtype tags and targeted by spells.

    Attachment 6183

    You can also use the IMMUNE: tag to make a creature immune to spells that have a certain school, subschool, or descriptor. See the example below for an NPC being targeted by a Hold Person spell with and without immunity to one of the descriptors of the spell.

    Attachment 6227

    How Does It Work
    The subtypes for a spell are included with the save data so that when FG checks each effect for a possible bonus or penalty to a saving throw these subtypes are recognized. (In all honesty, any word placed in the School field will act as a tag that effects can use; have fun with that.) Tags that match a damage type are changed to designate their use as a save subtype. These special tags are what you need to put in the effect for modifiers to recognize spells of those types.

    These special save subtypes are: air-spell, chaotic-spell, cold-spell, earth-spell, evil-spell, fire-spell, good-spell, lawful-spell, sonic-spell, water-spell.

    Some example tags:
    • Bless; ATK: 1 morale; SAVE: 1 fear
    • Elf; SAVE: 2 enchantment
    • Ironguts; SAVE: 2 poison
    • Trap Sense; AC: 1x3CLm1 dodge trap; SAVE: 1x3CLm1 trap (this responds to trap effects that place the word 'trap' in the School field of the associated spell description)
    • IMMUNE: fire-spell

    -- Crit Tag --
    How to Use
    Add a damage effect using 'CRIT:' as the tag instead of 'DMG:'. Upon an automated critical hit, a damage roll while holding Shift, a damage roll with the Critical button in the modifier menu selected, or a damage roll from the npc sheet, the additional CRIT: damage and/or dice of damage will be applied. See the example below for a flaming weapon effect.

    Attachment 6194

    How Does It Work
    It works identically to the current 'DMG:' tag.

    continued in next post...

    *Note*: Using both the Ability Damage Action extension and this one causes conflicts and unpredictable behavior. To utilize both, use the hybrid extension in the second post instead.
    Last edited by Nickademus; June 9th, 2014 at 16:55.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  2. #2
    This extension is no longer supported in FG 3.0.4.

    -- Creature Type Tag --
    How to Use
    Use a normal effect type from the lists below with a filter tag. Tags that appear in multiple lists (including the damage type list) have a special hyphenated form to differentiate which type of tag it is. Alignment tags use "vs-" while creature subtype tags use "-type". Omitting these will cause FG to treat the tag as the damage type. Additional PC non-humanoid creature types by race can be added to the extension's main script in the other_PC_types table. Furthermore, spell and weapon damage can have a type, subtype, or alignment tag to only affect creatures of the indicated type. See the example below for a sample of combat using various type, subtype, and alignment tags.

    This tag works for the following effect types: ATK, DMG, DMGS (only single target), SAVE, AC, SKILL (only single target), CC.

    The creature types are: aberration, animal, construct, dragon, fey, humanoid, beast, monstrous, ooze, outsider, plant, undead, vermin.
    The creature subtypes are: air-type, angel, aquatic, archon, augmented, azata, chaotic-type, cold-type, demon, devil, dwarf, earth-type, elemental, elf, evil-type, extraplanar, fire-type, giant, gnome, goblinoid, good-type, halfling, human, incorporeal, lawful-type, native, orc, reptilian, shapechanger, swarm, water-type, catfolk, dhampir, ratfolk, tengu, changeling, grippli, kitsune, samsaran, strix, vanara, vishkanya, wayang.
    The creature alignments are: vs-lawful, vs-chaotic, vs-neutral, vs-good, vs-evil.
    Current PC non-humanoid race types are: aasimar (outsider), fletchling (outsider), ifrit (outsider), oread (outsider), slyph (outsider), sulis (outsider), tiefling (outsider), undine (outsider)

    Attachment 6225

    How Does It Work
    When an action is taken that a creature tag pertains to, FG grabs the type, subtype, and alignment from the PCs/NPCs involved and adds them to the filter list for grabbing effect modifiers. Parsing the Pathfinder NPCs' types requires a standard format in the Type field of the NPC sheet using two-capital alignment (one capital 'N' for neutral) followed by size and type (subtype). The type and subtype are not case-sensitive but the alignment is. D&D 3.5e NPCs parse the Type field for type and subtype but parse the Alignment field for alignment (this field is not case sensitive). Parsing a PC's type and subtype requires the Race field on the Main tab of the character sheet to be filled out. It is not case-sensitive. The alignment field on the Notes tab of the character sheet must be filled for FG to parse an alignment. This requires either two capital letters for alignment (one capital 'N' for neutral) or each word capitalized as FG looks for capitals.

    Spell and weapon damage check the targets for the appropriate type, subtype, or alignment before applying damage.

    -- Terrain Conditions --
    How to Use
    Some abilities grant bonuses when in a certain terrain. This extension now has a list of conditions that can be used to note when a creature is in a given terrain. Just place the condition as seen below into an effect on the target. Then use the IF: tag to filter modifiers. See the example below for a sample of an initiative roll with and without a terrain bonus.

    The terrain conditions are: cold-terrain, desert-terrain, forest-terrain, jungle-terrain, mountain-terrain, plains-terrain, swamp-terrain, underground-terrain, urban-terrain, water-terrain, ethereal-plane, astral-plane, shadow-plane, positive-plane, negative-plane, air-plane, earth-plane, fire-plane, water-plane, boneyard-plane, abaddon-plane, axis-plane, elysium-plane, nirvana-plane, maelstrom-plane, heaven-plane, hell-plane.

    Attachment 6226

    How Does It Work
    It works just like the IF: tag for normal conditions.

    -- Stack Tag --
    How to Use
    For effects that you need to keep a count of, use the 'STACK:' tag. Applying the effect will add one to the stack rather than adding a new effect. This tag works with the REMOVE tag so you can remove one from the stack by using the 'REMOVE: STACK:' tag. See the example below for a stacking count of mirror images (the player rolls 1d4+1/3 caster levels and adds that many effects to the stack).

    Attachment 6255

    How Does It Work
    When a stacking effect is sent to FG it looks for a preexisting stack to add it to. If there is none, it creates a stack of 1 effect. When a remove stack effect is sent to FG it looks for a stack of the indicated effect. If it finds one, the stack is decreased by 1 or the effect is removed if only one remained.

    -- Concentration Tag--
    How to Use
    Make an effect with the tag 'CONCEN:' followed by a modifier.

    How Does It Work
    The modifier is applied to your concentration checks.

    -- Spell Penetration Tag --
    How to Use
    Make an effect with the tag 'SPEN:' followed by a modifier.

    How Does It Work
    The modifier is applied to your caster level checks. This effect is intended for adding to the spell penetration of a spell against a target with spell resistance, but it can be used to add to generic caster level checks such as when casting dispel magic.

    Combination Extension
    Due to conflicts between my Ability Damage extension and this one, I'm offering a hybrid of the two. Look here for details on the ability damage section of this (as well modification conflicts).

    This extension contains:
    v1.5 of the Ability Damage Action extension
    v1.8 of the Expanded Effect Tags extension
    Last edited by Nickademus; June 9th, 2014 at 16:55.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  3. #3
    This is a very cool idea, Nickademus. So, if I understand correctly, this parses the tag when the effect is applied from within a character sheet to an entity in the Combat Tracker, either by clicking on the effect icon or by dragging the effect? What would happen if you typed the effect directly into the Combat Tracker?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    'RESIST: 3xCLs-1m10M30 fire' is the resist energy (fire) spell.
    Wouldn't this give fire resistance 11 at CL 4, 14 at CL 5, etc? I don't think you can model resist energy exactly using the current structure of this tag - you'd need something like 10x[CL+1]4m10M30.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    'DMG: 1xCL2s1d6' is the rogue sneak attack ability when using CL as class level.
    Again, I don't think this is quite right, if I've understood your instructions correctly - it would give +2d6 at CL 2. As with resist energy, you need to be able to apply the shift before calculating the quotient: 1x[CL+1]2d6.
    Last edited by Callum; February 25th, 2014 at 14:51.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Callum View Post
    This is a very cool idea, Nickademus. So, if I understand correctly, this parses the tag when the effect is applied from within a character sheet to an entity in the Combat Tracker, either by clicking on the effect icon or by dragging the effect? What would happen if you typed the effect directly into the Combat Tracker?
    The tag would remain if you typed it into the CT because you typed it in directly. An effect has to be completely made in the program code prior to entering the CT for the parsing to occur.

    This is designed for character sheets (PC and NPC) that have a caster level. If you are directly adding an effect to the CT it doesn't have a caster and thus a CL. And who would want to type that kind of tag in directly. Best to use this for PCs that level or a spell entry that can be dragged from NPC to NPC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Callum View Post
    RESIST: 3xCLs-1m10M30 fire' is the resist energy (fire) spell.

    Wouldn't this give fire resistance 11 at CL 4, 14 at CL 5, etc? I don't think you can model resist energy exactly using the current structure of this tag - you'd need something like 10x[CL+1]4m10M30.
    It was very late after a day of coding when I made these examples. I'm not surprised some are wrong. I'll fix/replace them as necessary. Going to implement a way to alter the CL before calculations. That's what 'Shift' was originally supposed to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Callum View Post
    'DMG: 1xCL2s1d6' is the rogue sneak attack ability when using CL as class level.

    Again, I don't think this is quite right, if I've understood your instructions correctly - it would give +2d6 at CL 2. As with resist energy, you need to be able to apply the shift before calculating the quotient: 1x[CL+1]2d6.
    This is almost right. I worked this formula a couple times and had it right on paper but it didn't translate to the program correctly. I think I have the .floor in the wrong spot for it to work anyway. I'll fix it. The proper tag is '1xCL2s.5d6'; Need to parse the decimal place and round down after the shift.
    Last edited by Nickademus; February 25th, 2014 at 18:21.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  5. #5
    Alright, updated the extension to fix logical bugs and increase its capabilities. Changed some of the syntax to be more logical and accommodate issues like what Callum pointed out. (Not sure what happened as the Shift part was originally written up to the the [CL+1] you suggested; it changed somewhere in the development process.)

    Couldn't do decimals easily since the built-in FG parsing chops the tag at the period. If necessary I can add a 'f#' part for fractions. I don't really see the need though with the shift acting properly now.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  6. #6
    Updated to add the second effect tag: Remove Effect Tag

    Might not be useful to everyone but to effect junkies like me it's nice to have a way to remove an effect when we make a mistake without bothering the GM. Of course, a GM option allows this to be turned on and off in case the GM doesn't wish the players to have the ability to remove effects willy nilly.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    Updated to add the second effect tag: Remove Effect Tag
    Now that's very clever!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Now that's very clever!
    Agreed! nicely done!

  9. #9
    Thanks. That has been bothering me since day 1.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    In fact, this just isn't clever - it is AWESOME!

    Here's my test PC with a simple "rapid shot" effect - and the relevant REMOVE in edit mode:

    And then ready to go in action - first effect button applies the effect, second one removes it. Fantastic!

    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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