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  1. #1
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Extinction Event Alpha test

    Hi guys,

    Some of you may know me from the Rolemaster of things.

    I have created a new game and Fantasy Ground Ruleset and I am looking for

    a) A few players to to test the game out on a Saturday Night or Sunday mornings work well, there will be 1 to 3 session dependent on how it goes.

    b) Another GM to test the game without my involvement to see how it works on there side of things. (another game then above.)

    To give you an idea about the game I post the intro excerpt, also the ruleset is based on a D10 target number system and a unique cover system. The game is deadly and characters will more then likely go a few through a characters. The dynamics are more whether the group will survive then individuals.

    Extinction Event is a Tabletop Roleplaying game that brings together various concepts to suit a modern and post-modern setting. It is a survival game at heart where the setting is unknown to the characters before they start.

    This makes character selection and creation very interesting, as well as game play.

    There are various settings that this game mechanics are aimed at, however they are not limited to. Some of these setting include
    - Alien Invasion
    - Post Nuclear Holocaust
    - Chemical/Virus induced human manipulation
    - Hollow Earth event

    The characters start their various lives are normal every day humans, that have a variety of skills. The world over night changes causing these every day humans to stretch for survival.

    The gameplay is an hour by hour event, in most cases. The mundane is much apart of the survival as the fantastic, and most time interlinked. The search for food, water and shelter are necessary requirements but hindering this is the setting that the characters find themselves in.

    A GamesMaster has a little bit of work to do before a campaign starts, however there are parts of this manual to help a GamesMaster quickly create the desired creature and lore quickly.

    Please free to ask questions below or email adam at to join
    Last edited by Ardem; January 3rd, 2014 at 05:48.

  2. #2
    Isamill's Avatar
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    previously NZ but now Mt Isa Qld Australia
    It sounds very interesting, what time on a Sunday morning would you be looking at (i'm an early riser so the earlier the better for me and the wife and kids sleep in on a Sunday lol)

  3. #3
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Once we get a number of interested I aim for a time that is happy for everyone, But I do like a early start that way my wife and kids not impacted that much

  4. #4
    Isamill's Avatar
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    previously NZ but now Mt Isa Qld Australia
    Sounds good to me, I'll chuck my name on the calendar

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Upstate New York
    I'd be interested in this concept as well. I've always liked modern post apocalypse. Don't worry about game times. I'm very flexible over the weekends and have played in some 5AM games before. I'll go over and get on the Calendar.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Ardem's Avatar
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    A Hollow Earth Event is where new life spring up from under the ground where none thought existed.

    From here is could be an invasion of strange creatures.

    Extinction Event is a 'what if' ruleset for the modern world. Other more mundane could be the collapse of the financial markets, no more oil (government lied over the year to prevent panic) or the rise of a wealthy subset for the enslavement of mankind e.g illuminati. It really up to the imagination of the GM

  8. #8
    I'm interested in taking a look at this depending on timing. Sunday mornings for you would be preferable as that lands me on my Saturday nights.
    Those of you who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand.

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  9. #9
    Ardem's Avatar
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    So far looks like a preference for sunday morning. Since I play a pathfinder game sunday mornings bi-weekly, the 1-3 sessions will be on alternate sunday mornings. Or Saturday Nights for our American and European brethren.

    Welcome aboard cmdisc please put you name in the calendar and I will add you to the list.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Upstate New York
    Whoops, mispost.
    Last edited by d1wright; January 5th, 2014 at 01:23.

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