1. #1

    Official State of BRP

    Just wondering if anyone knows about the official "state" that BRP is in. Is it being actively developed or is this another 3.0 update?

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  2. #2
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    I (briefly) toyed with a plan to take on BRP a while back, as I wanted it up to date for some Runequest I was planning to run.

    In the end, given Smiteworks drive towards 3.0, which as I understand offers a higher base to work from, meaning rulesets have more common, basic features available between them, I thought it better to leave it well alone and see how the Cthulhu upgrade goes.

    Not sure what the plan is for updating other existing rulesets, once 3.0 goes beta / live. So I must admit, I too am interested to know what the plan might be for BRP (and others), both from a user perspective, and someone looking to work and potentially enhance and up-to-date copy of it.
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by phantomwhale View Post
    I (briefly) toyed with a plan to take on BRP a while back, as I wanted it up to date for some Runequest I was planning to run.

    In the end, given Smiteworks drive towards 3.0, which as I understand offers a higher base to work from, meaning rulesets have more common, basic features available between them, I thought it better to leave it well alone and see how the Cthulhu upgrade goes.

    Not sure what the plan is for updating other existing rulesets, once 3.0 goes beta / live. So I must admit, I too am interested to know what the plan might be for BRP (and others), both from a user perspective, and someone looking to work and potentially enhance and up-to-date copy of it.
    Cthulhu is doing fine and well in the city of R'lyth (I've been test driving it for a month - *tons* of insane investigators being committed). It does seem a little odd, though, having a child being worked on before it's parent. I'm not sure how BRP will work with the new ruleset. All of the major additions to the CoreRPG could be necessary for any given game. You might want to give this a second go, now that 3.4.something (build something) is out and pretty much working dandy. The ruleset needs some love and attention.
    Aliens.... Go fig?

  4. #4
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    Well, CoC came BEFORE BRP, and they are more like cousins than direct relations in their internals.

    All said, to be clear, BRP is certainly nothing I've worked on before - it's the fine work of Stuart / Foen from a few years back. If I were to take on a second ruleset, it's one I have a keen interest in, but I'm really waiting to see what Smiteworks are planning to do with the move of other rulesets to v3.0 - there might be a fair whack of Savage Worlds work involved as is (hope not, I'm a little burnt out from 3.4...)
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by phantomwhale View Post
    Well, CoC came BEFORE BRP, and they are more like cousins than direct relations in their internals.

    All said, to be clear, BRP is certainly nothing I've worked on before - it's the fine work of Stuart / Foen from a few years back. If I were to take on a second ruleset, it's one I have a keen interest in, but I'm really waiting to see what Smiteworks are planning to do with the move of other rulesets to v3.0 - there might be a fair whack of Savage Worlds work involved as is (hope not, I'm a little burnt out from 3.4...)
    Actually Runequest 2e is the Grandaddy of them all. BRP is just the accumulation of all those nifty games like Ringworld we used to love and enjoy. And there shouldn't be any problems with 3.0 I've been updated to the alpha version and SW seems to work just peachy. Wouldn't want you to get swamped again after such a hefty rewrite. <<gasp>> I'm tired just thinking of it.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  6. #6
    Currently, I've been using Call of Cthulhu and Castles and Crusades as vehicles for sounding out the CoreRPG layering in v3.0, as they are some of the oldest rulesets in our store. I don't have any specific plans to update the other rulesets before v3.0 release, but they are on our internal wish list to update after release. That being said, the plan can always change.


  7. #7
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    I more meant CoC RULESET was made before the BRP RULESET - I'm aware that the family tree of BRP goes deep and wide

    Good to hear that Savage Worlds seems to "just work" on 3.0 - might not be an upgrade headache after all, rather a slow shift to use the same base as 4E / other rulesets (which has pretty much been the case with every version so far anyway)
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by moon_wizard View Post
    Currently, I've been using Call of Cthulhu and Castles and Crusades as vehicles for sounding out the CoreRPG layering in v3.0, as they are some of the oldest rulesets in our store. I don't have any specific plans to update the other rulesets before v3.0 release, but they are on our internal wish list to update after release. That being said, the plan can always change.

    I think you'll have to *really* iron out the bugs for what BRP represents. Definitely a post 3.0 CoreRPG project.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  9. #9
    So, the question I came looking for an answer to still stands, though this thread seems like the best place to ask it. Who, specifically maintains the BRP ruleset for FG? Compared to other FG rulesets, the BRP ruleset seems to be a lil feature-less (compared to say even the vanilla Savage Worlds table) and a little behind the times.

    Be nice to see an update or to pick the author's brain so I can make the mods myself (which I'm already attempting to do anyway)..

  10. #10
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
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    Foen / StuartW was the author I believe. I don't think anyone else has taken up the mantle.
    Last edited by VenomousFiligree; January 1st, 2014 at 20:27. Reason: corrections

    Previously: MurghBpurn

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