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    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA

    Society GMs - How to advertise (post) your game in the FG forums

    Hi all PFS GMs!

    The FG2PFS group has now moved to where it rightfully belongs - on the Fantasy Grounds website.

    We will be using the Gamecalendar for our game scheduling and signups. In the short term we will be sharing this with all other gamers on this site, so please keep that in mind when posting and looking for games.

    The main thing to note is that your game (campaign) name should start with *PFS so that all PFS entries will be together in the calendar and it can sort the entries properly. Please make sure that your timezone is set correctly - this is available in your profile -> Edit Options -> Date & Time Options. This will help others know when you will run the game.

    To post a game:
    1. Go to the Gamecalendar (link on the top of pages on the Fantasy Grounds website).
    2. Select "Create new campaign" (at the top right of the campaign list).
    3. Campaign name: Please keep to the following format:

      *PFS <date> <time> <name>

      For example: *PFS Friday July 13th 8pm GMT (3pm EST) - 0-01 Silent Tide

      Note the asterisk (*) at the beginning - this places your game towards the top of the campaign list for people who sort by name (the default view.
      Please post the game time in GMT (remember that GMT does not use daylight savings. Using GMT across all games will help to order them in the Gamecalendar in order of the games starting. Thanks!
    4. Number of players - the minimum and maximum number of players you will run the game for.
    5. Description - a brief description of your game. Include the Fantasy Grounds license you have. This is the main information players can see before they register for the game, so please try to include:

      Session Day and Time and time zone: e.g. Friday 13th July 3pm EST (US Eastern Standard Time)
      GMT Offset: e.g. -5
      Duration: e.g. 4 hours.
      Fantasy Grounds license: Ultimate or Full.
      Chat type: Ventrillo, Teamspeak, Skype, etc.. (we have a community TeamSpeak server - see below)
      Tiers and subtiers valid for this scenario.
    6. Server address and password - these are the connection details for your Fantasy Grounds game - you can provide these closer to the time of the game.
    7. Press "submit"
    8. In your new "campaign", enter the time of your game under "scheduled play times" - enter day and month as numerical values - for example: day = 20, month = 7 (July). Time is in 24 hour format. Click the arrow icon to create an entry under the scheduled play times.
    9. Post a new thread in this forum to advertise your game, facilitate discussion, allow uploading of characters and other game related stuff (chronicles at the end, etc.) - you will receive an email update (the first new post) to threads you have replied or subscribed to.
    10. Finally, to let everyone know about your new game, post a message in the game announcement thread: This message should provide a link to your game discussion thread in item #9 - the game announcement thread should not have discussions, just a single post to announce the game. Players have subscribed to the game announcement thread to receive updates just for new games - not for discussions.

    Voice server - we now have a community TeamSpeak3 server for your use (same functionality as the one we use for the FGCon). This server has good functionality and allows each user to control their bandwidth use by selecting their own voice quality. I'd recommend GMs use this server for their game voice communications if possible.

    TeamSpeak3 server address: Password: Dungeoneers

    More details here:
    Last edited by Trenloe; December 29th, 2013 at 10:01.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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