1. #1

    Anyone working on Parser for Combat Manager

    I was wondering if anyone is working on a parser that converted Combatmanager saved encounters into fantasy ground.

    This program does a wonderfull job of adding templates and calculating xp.

    or is there anyone making and extention that adds a template tab to npc.

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacce1889
    or is there anyone making and extention that adds a template tab to npc.
    This is on my project list, but haven't even started thinking about it yet - if someone else out there is making one this would be a great addition to allow GMs to do more NPC/Creature management on the fly.

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    I've just modified the Pathfinder creature parser to allow it to read statblocks copied from Combat Manager (with a little bit of text formatting).

    Attachment 2238

    See the readme.txt file in the attached for instructions in general use.

    Specifically for "Combat Manager":

    1. When viewing the monster in combat Manager, right-click in the statblock window and select "Select All" then right-click again and select "Copy". Alternatively, use CTRL-A and CTRL-C to select all and then copy.
    2. Open a text editor (notepad is fine).
    3. Copy the Monster stat block into notepad.
    4. Modify the statblock as detailed below.
    5. Leave a blank line after the statblock.
    6. Go back to step 1 and select your next monster and continue as required.
    7. when complete, save the file as a tet file and then run the creature parser as described in the readme.txt file.

    NOTE: Minor text formatting is still needed with statblocks copied from the monster statblock within combat Manager:
    1) Move description to the beginning of the statblock.
    2) Next line after description must be <NAME> CR <CR Value> all on one line.
    For example: Ghoul CR 2.
    NOTE: When doing a "Select All" and copy from Combat Manager, the CR entry will be placed on the line before the name - move this to the end of the name line.
    3) Remove all blank lines in the statblock.
    4) Leave a blank line between each creature statblock.

    There is an example creatures file in the attached zip file which will give you an idea of what the statblock should look like in your text file.

    Hope this is of use to you and that you can get it working OK. Let me know how you go...

  4. #4
    Works wonderfully. thank you.

    this is going to make making a Carrion Crown Beastiary much faster and easier.

    two additions to instructions though remove : after xp and go back and add . at end of some special attacks.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacce1889
    Works wonderfully. thank you.
    Great - glad it's of use to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by spacce1889
    this is going to make making a Carrion Crown Beastiary much faster and easier.
    If you're using Paizo modules and you have the PDFs, you should be able to do a copy and paste out of the PDF - this is what I originally designed the application for. Just do a check on the text that is pasted as the PDF header formatting can sometimes result in spaces appearing in the middle of words (usually a heading such as name, offense, etc.).

  6. #6
    I been doing that but the adventures has a lot of

    Drowned guards (4) CR 3
    XP 800 each
    Advanced draugr (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 110, 292)
    hp 25 each


    girallon-headed Vargouilles (3) CR 3
    XP 800 each
    Giant vargouille (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 272, 295)
    hp 25 each

    and combat manager make doing advanced or giant stats easy.

    by the way is there a way to make monsters unidentified with out chaging the name on them?

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by spacce1889
    I been doing that but the adventures has a lot of
    and combat manager make doing advanced or giant stats easy.
    Ah yes, of course...

    Quote Originally Posted by spacce1889
    by the way is there a way to make monsters unidentified with out chaging the name on them?
    Unfortunately not, as this would be a nice feature. I've seen this requested in other threads, but I don't know if it's on the feature request list for the next version.

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