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    Zeus's Avatar
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    Lightbulb 4E Fortune Cards Extension


    Hey all,

    Back from a nice vacation and well rested. I found 5 mins this week to put some finishing touches to the initial dev release of 4E Fortune Cards. v0.1 and a readme.txt have been uploaded to the v2.8 section of my FGII 4E site (see sig banner for link).

    As always this is an early development release so please back-up your campaigns before using. Anyone willing to test for me?

    This new extension introduces 4E D&D Fortune Cards for additional PC encounter benefits and effects. 4E Fortune Cards provide players with a new twist on fortune, from the hand of fate, destiny and divine intervention to even modelling just plain good old luck, Fortune cards add a little random zing to encounter play.

    FAQ - The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Fortune Cards rules and FAQ are available at <a href="https://DungeonsandDragons.com/fortunecards">https://DungeonsandDragons.com/fortunecards</a>.


    • Introduces new Fortune Card windowclass as well as modifying the existing 4E Charsheet (Full & Mini) with a new tab to host player deck, discard pile and drawn hand controls.
    • Allows a DM to create, share and utilise 4E Fortune Cards & Sets in 4E FGII Campaigns.
    • Allows players to manage PC Fortune Card Decks (draw card/shuffle deck) as well as interact with 4E Fortune Cards from PC Decks (view card/send card details to chat/discard card).
    • Integrates CT and 4E Effect parsing allowing players to drag/double click standard card effect strings to targets.



    Last edited by Zeus; June 18th, 2012 at 21:09.
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  2. #2
    Zeus's Avatar
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    And here's an extract on usage from the readme.txt file.

    DM - Creating & Sharing Card Sets

    1. Open the Fortune Card Sets window and click the New button
    2. When a new card set window appears, populate the name field for the set e.g. Shadow over Nentir Vale
    3. A blank card will be created by default for a new card set however new cards can be added using the regular right click radial menu option.
    4. Click the reference link for the new Fortune Card (1)
    5. A new Fortune Card window will open, populate the name, play and effect descriptions by clicking in the fields and entering the appropriate text.
    6. The type of the Fortune Card (Attack/Defense/Tactic/Luck/None) can be set by left clicking the icon in the upper right of the card window.
    7. Finally set the card number (bottom right) - editable to allow for out of sequence card additions
    8. Repeat Steps 3 - 7 for all cards in the set.
    9. Share the entire set to all connected clients by opening the set and right clicking and selecting Share Sheet.
    10. Share the indvidual cards to all connected clients by opening the cards individually and right clicking and selecting Share Sheet.

    Players - Managing Fortune Card Decks

    1. Open the Fortune Card Sets window and select an available card set by clicking on its reference link or name
    2. Players are free to view any cards that have been shared however all cards in the set will not be editable.
    3. Upon deciding which cards each player wants in their deck(s), following the rules highlighted above, each player then add the cards to his/her PCs charsheet by simply dragging each cards reference link onto the Fortune Card Deck list on the Cards tab (upper half) of their PC's charsheet.
    4. Players can draw a card from their deck by left clicking the draw card button (bottom left). Drawing a card will populate the PC's hand (bottom right) with a random card from their deck. Any existing card in the hand will first be discarded to the discard pile (bottom half of the tab). All actions (discard/draw) will be output to the chat window for reference.
    5. Players can view a drawn card by left clicking the drawn card icon in the Hand Controls subwindow.
    6. Players can send the description of the drawn card to the chatwindow by holding down Shift and left clicking the drawn card icon in the Hand Controls subwindow.
    7. Players can discard a drawn card by either holding down Control and left clicking the drawn card icon in the Hand Controls window or by simply drawing another card from the deck (see draw card above). All actions (discard/draw) will be output to the chat window for reference.
    8. Players can shuffle their deck (effectivley moving all discarded cards and any drawn card back to the deck) by left clicking on the Shuffle Deck button in the Deck Controls subwindow. All actions (shuffle) will be output to the chat window for reference.
    9. Players can double-click or drag standard 4E Effect strings. For targetting to work and for some effects to parse properly the following must be true:
    • the card is opened from a PC's charsheet (deck) or from a drawn hand
    • the CT window is active

    ** Cards opened that are not asssociated with a PC's chrsheet will not always allow effects to be actionable.
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  3. #3
    I take it the only way to get the cards into FG is to do it through the interface? Or can we parse them?

  4. #4
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joseph.pimpo
    I take it the only way to get the cards into FG is to do it through the interface? Or can we parse them?
    The extension provides the windowclass structure for FGII and provides the creation methods from within the GUI interface.

    As the 4EParser is a separate utility tool, now maintained by Eugenez, you would need to ask Eugenez to add in support for Fortune Card parsing.

    The xml structure of the card is quite straightforward but as its a new class, it would require some moderate effort on Eugenez's part to add in support for the class in the Parser.

    Having said that there are some 80 cards in the Nentir Vale set and a similar number in the newer Neverwinter set, so it doesn't take long to create both sets manually.

    I also added in support for /export so you can export your cards to handy modules for future campaign reference.
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  5. #5

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    Looks like another excellent extension DrZ, looking forward to playing with this.

    Also looks like this extension will provide the basics for Alpha and Omega cards for Gamma World

  6. #6

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    Complete set listings with card details for each of the two series released so far can be found at WotC Community

    Have to say that I am surprised WotC haven't pulled the various threads and wiki entries.

  7. #7
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMTroll
    Looks like another excellent extension DrZ, looking forward to playing with this.

    Also looks like this extension will provide the basics for Alpha and Omega cards for Gamma World
    Thanks. Yep GW cards should be doable with a few tweaks.

    • PC deck, discard pile and hand objects are implemented as windowlists - this means deck size and hand sizes can be adapted to new game mechanics easily.
    • All card mechanics are implemented in the included FortuneCardManager script, making for easier changes to card mechanics and rules.
    • Cards use a simple <frame> and windowclass that can be adapted to suit other card types etc.
    FG Project Development
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  8. #8
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMTroll
    Complete set listings with card details for each of the two series released so far can be found at WotC Community

    Have to say that I am surprised WotC haven't pulled the various threads and wiki entries.
    I just manually entered the details for the two sets using the actual cards themselves (well the ones that I have that is).

    Still useful to have an online reference though. Looks like the Play and Effects text is merged in the online versions.
    FG Project Development
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  9. #9

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    I have been playing around with this extension and it is simple to use and works well. May just relieve my players of some of there bad luck at rolling dice.

    I do have a couple of observations / requests:

    1 - The 'Fourtune Card Deck', 'Fortune Card Discard Pile', 'Deck Controls' and 'Hand Controls' labels displayed in you screen shots are missing / not visible (screenshot attached). Happens in both OSX Lion with WineBottler and Vista x64 Ultimate.

    2 - All of the cards I have created only have entries in the <<Effect Text>> field. The <<Small Effect Text>> field default value is displayed even if it is not being used. Is it possible to hide the Effect text / Small effect text field default values if they are not used without having to typing a space in the field?

    3 - WotC published a theme called Fatedancer in Dragon 401 that allows a player to have more than one card in their hand. It would be nice to able to configure the hand size per PC to allow for this and other house rules.

  10. #10
    Zeus's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=GMTroll]I have been playing around with this extension and it is simple to use and works well. May just relieve my players of some of there bad luck at rolling dice.

    Thanks and glad to hear its working as expected.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMTroll
    I do have a couple of observations / requests:

    1 - The 'Fourtune Card Deck', 'Fortune Card Discard Pile', 'Deck Controls' and 'Hand Controls' labels displayed in you screen shots are missing / not visible (screenshot attached). Happens in both OSX Lion with WineBottler and Vista x64 Ultimate.
    I don't think this is a platform related issue, I note from the screenshot that you are running the base theme. I probably forgot to include the fonts in the extension. In my setup I run my 4E Theme - Metal Pro extension which also has the fonts. This would explain why they are missing in your setup. I'll double check the font setup for the next release.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMTroll
    2 - All of the cards I have created only have entries in the <<Effect Text>> field. The <<Small Effect Text>> field default value is displayed even if it is not being used. Is it possible to hide the Effect text / Small effect text field default values if they are not used without having to typing a space in the field?
    Good point. I'll add a control for hiding/revealing the field in the next release.

    Quote Originally Posted by GMTroll
    3 - WotC published a theme called Fatedancer in Dragon 401 that allows a player to have more than one card in their hand. It would be nice to able to configure the hand size per PC to allow for this and other house rules.
    I'm behind on my Dragon magazines and wasn't aware of the optional rule. The hand object is actually a windowlist, so its already primed for multiple cards in a hand. I just need to adjust the logic for card draws and discards and add some new card icons to the charsheets (based on handsize). I'll look to do this in the next release. I'l also create an entry in the options palette So DM's can adjust hand size.

    What other house rule options were you considering?

    Thanks for the feedback.
    FG Project Development
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

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