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  1. #1

    Combat Tracker Targeting?

    First of all, congratulations for this awesome game...

    Second, i have a question... is it possible in Cthulhu game system to target an enemy using the combat tracker like in the 4E game system?

    I've read this (in the Combat Tracker Targeting section)


  2. #2
    No, the CoC ruleset was released long before the 4E targeting system was developed.

    It is not a trivial thing for someone to update and would require some major changes to the ruleset to implement.

    CoC is not combat intensive, so I have never missed it, but of course it would be nice to have if the ruleset were to be updated in the future (although I am not aware of any official updates currently in the works)
    Last edited by Sorcerer; August 1st, 2011 at 10:38.

  3. #3
    Thank you!

    I agreee with you, CoC is not combat intensive, but it must be clear for everyone how CoC Game System works.

    I hope this post will (i've spent too much time testing this not avaible functionality)

  4. #4
    The "using the Ruleset" module within the ruleset tries to explain how the various components work, but if you find yourself stuck or unsure how something works, then, just as you have done here, post to the forum.
    I have found that this generally gets a quick response and saves a lot of messing about in the dark.

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