One of the projects I'd like to tackle at some point is the hotkey wipeout that occurs when you preload cache files to reduce fg2 startup time. Anyone see any pitfalls with the following extension architecture:
1) Trap onHotKeyDrop events in a handler and record all data dropped on hot keys to define what the setup is. (custom data types might offer challenges and have to be adjudicated on a ruleset-by-ruleset basis).
2) Co-opt the rulesets' code to handle the renaming of hot keys (not sure where this occurs, guess its a radial menu routine) to keep track of any changes to the hot key labels.

Have the extension be able to restore hot keys from the saved state on a by-user basis. I guess the state data would have to be stored in a client module to minimize host-client database intercommunication. Do any of you with more experience in coding see a problem with this general approach?