I'll just take this moment to bring to everyone's attention / remind everyone (and do just a small tad of bragging) that the Die Engine inside the DORCore can roll *any* (I believe) RPG-dice-mechanic: Exploding, Keep Highest, Keep Lowest, Pool Dice, Sum, Multiply, Subtract, Divide, Number Of Successes/Failures, Degree Of Success/Failure, "Raises/Lowers", and/or any combination of the above - on the full range of dice including d66 (non-standard die (ie d7, d9, etc) coming soon) via Die Roll, Tower Roll, /die or /tower command - ready to go, out of the box, no XML or LUA coding required (coding still required to attach rolls to Character Sheet Objects - but no more difficult than coding to attach "standard" CoreRPG Rolls to Character Sheet Objects).

Just saying...