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  1. #11
    I think the "thug" fighter variant looks like what I want to go with because the additions to the class skills look like they would mesh well with the concept of an investigative guard type.

  2. #12
    Actually, I have never tried a psionic character. . .I think I'll try and see how that goes. . . may as well get some use out of the psionics handbook in my lap. . .just collecting dust as it is

  3. #13
    Tirileon- DMG's point buy for stats and just FG's default ruleset

    Unless Izzy signs up on the calandar or replies here, still looking for 1 more player. looking for someone that wants to play the part of rogue, bard, spellthief, lurk, etc.
    Last edited by ThePirateKing; May 8th, 2009 at 04:37.

  4. #14
    Need a hand here. Is there a way I can go about creating a character in the local setting to hand in. I tried doing that with the default ruleset (which I think is the foundation set but I may have misread something) but all I get is a sheet with a name.

    Please rescue the newbie!

  5. #15
    Hmm... I'm getting the same thing, I'm not sure how to fix it. but anyway, moving campaign disscusion to the calander

    Still in need of one more player

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The foundation ruleset doesn't allow local characters in the release build. I believe the test beta does, though. You will have to log into the game server to build your characters.

    Currently, the only 3.5 ruleset that allows lite versions of FG to build a local character is the d20 ruleset that is in the download section of this site. If you are going to run a d20 game with the foundation ruleset I would suggest you use the test version of FG because the combat tracker doesn't work in the release version. This is fixed in the test version. Altenatively you could use the d20_JPG ruleset.

  7. #17

    I'll be your rogue

    If it's not taken I'll play the rogue or scout for the group

  8. #18
    if you havent already, sign up on the calander

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