The action deck was released in pdf but its not on FG yet
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The action deck was released in pdf but its not on FG yet
I wish there had been a warning or something :/
Given time it will probably be updated.
The current product is for SWD (Savage Worlds Deluxe) only.
I haven’t heard any planning yet for this add-on product for SWADE; but it may be a separate purchase depending on publisher and DLC developer agreement.
Please reach out to support to get a refund if you just purchased; and you can wait to see how the SWADE adventure deck is handled.
Just to clarify, I believe that this deck still works with SWADE, but it is the adventure deck product originally published for Savage Worlds Deluxe edition.
The product includes instruction on how to construct a custom deck, I am building my own version of the deck right now (hopefully) to use this Saturday, I've ripped all the graphics from the PDF and I am coding the lua entiries...
All the required steps are documented
If you make a purchase that turns out to be for an earlier edition, or you are unsatisfied with it for any reason, you can email us at [email protected] and we will issue you a refund. We have a 30-day money back guarantee on all purchases from our store.
I don't yet know if we will update this product to support SWADE under the same product id or if it will be a new product. If you have no interest in using it with Savage Worlds Deluxe, then I would recommend getting a refund now and just picking it up later if you see that we released an updated version.
Ok, so I bought it. The answer to the question I asked, in case anyone else cares.
No, it's not in the vault, you can open it up and read it all. As mentioned before, it contains instructions for modifying it.
I'm very happy with it.