Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

Dungeons & Dragons

All editions of Dungeons & Dragons


  1. Community rulesets to support classic editions of D&D (OSRIC, D&D Basic, AD&D, etc.)

    528 Threads
    5,765 Posts
  2. 3.5E (22 Viewing)

    Discuss the 3.5E ruleset , adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.

    1,605 Threads
    16,287 Posts

    Kelrugem's extensions

    Yesterday, 21:22 by Kelrugem

  3. 4E (15 Viewing)

    Discuss the 4E ruleset, adventure modules, schedule games or anything else related to this.

    945 Threads
    7,155 Posts
  4. 5E (65 Viewing)

    Discussion of the D&D 5E rules within FG.

    4,822 Threads
    56,798 Posts

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  1. Anput,
  2. corvatta,
  3. Eru the One,
  4. lmichel30,
  5. Snoopish,
  6. trontxu,
  7. Wookieuk,
  8. Yogsoth

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