Gwydion's 2d6 Dungeon Quick Start Guide
, September 4th, 2024 at 21:15 (13504 Views)
Today's guide is for Gwydion's Free 2d6 Dungeon Conversion (Level 1 Only) in Xcore ruleset. It is originally from Toby Lancaster's DR Games. A great entry point to olden times' gritty and action packed Dungeon Crawlers. Soloing it can also teach you how to be a GM and create dungeons and encounters on-the-fly.
It'll require you to draw randomly generated dungeon rooms and their contents (in text) into the starting map, depending on random rolls. You can also use your favorite dungeon tiles and art packs. Videos at the Resources is a good visual start.
From Gwydion's Stream (Assets are from Forgotten Adventures Map Pack and created on the spot from rolls)
The Module:
Note: Downloading and some lite reading of the Core PDF is necessary to understand the rules.
Fresh Start with a Torch in Starter Map
Hotbars: Main
1. Level 1 Turn Flowchart (image): This will be your guide for dungeon creation. Also remember to check the pins on it.
2. Level 1 Map - Starting (image): You can Revert Changes any time at upper left corner in the window.
3. 2d6 roll (i.e: for room size): Click and drag d6, press right mouse button, drag and drop it to hotbar.
4. /clear command: Just type it in chat, before pressing enter, drag it to the hotbar.
5. Level 1 Rooms - Human Ancestry - The Entry table: This is the room generator.
6. DoorTable: To see if the doors are locked.
7. Doorway Symbols Image: This is only required if you're using the starting map instead of your dungeon tiles pack.
8. Story: Adventurer Levels
Hotbars: Modifier (shift/alt/ctrl)
Under Images:
- Quick Reference Combat Card 1
- Quick Reference Combat Card 2
- Quick Reference Combat Card 3
Character Creation
Follow the instructions in Story: 1.3 Character Creation.
- The Module provides many rules in image form but Check the PDFs if you're confused.
- Quickest way to find things is always Search.
- Cog Icon at the upper right of Char Sheet resets stats.
- You can create Story entries to keep track of your progress. This might be necessary as Room Table has info on what loot tables to roll after a clear.
--- Drag & Drop or Right click on the paragraph in CHAT, "Copy text to clipboard", paste into Story page.
- All those ABBREVIATIONS might be confusing at first, but you don't have to memorize them. Just search them in the Tables tab and keep it at (All) instead of in a specific category while at it.
Creating the Map as You Progress
Useful assets:
- Shockbolt Gamemaster Art Kit > Tiles (comes free with FGU, search in Assets)
- Forgotten Adventures Mapmaking pack is for many assets (12 GB, free, link in Resources)
Things to know:
- If you hold CTRL and draw a line in PAINT Mode, you draw a straight line. This is for the starting map.
- Room table has a short description of the room that's been rolled, i.e: size and its contents / exits
- Use LAYERS tab in the Map Tool: (See attachment and videos in Resources)
- Create a Folder under Layers for each room and add its contents to the folder in the right menu to keep things tidy. i.e: Room 0, Room 1 > table + bottles, Room 2...
- EITHER Draw the rooms within the starting map that's provided in the module.
- OR Add rooms of appropriate sizes with any Map Tileset.
- You can add objects in a room to make it pretty. Shockbolt Art Kit has some.
- You can use any Mode of Play for combat but since this is dungeon crawling, best suited mode for it is using Maps with tokens.
Traveling in the Dungeon
- Give your PC a Torch from the Effects tab under TOOL Category at right menu and click on the PC (drag the Torch tab onto your char)
- Then In the Map Tool, unlock the map, and turn on Player Vision Preview & Lightning for old school feeling.
- No need to add grids to the starting map (it has dotted grids).
- Use DoorTable to check if the doors are locked. There is Open a Lock roll in the Char Sheet. Also few items to deal with locks.
Combat Rules
Note that these are NOT the entirety of the rules but just quick start info.
There are 3 quick reference combat cards under Images. Read them with the NPC cards in mind. Refer to the PDF if confused.
- Quick Reference Combat Card 1 - Roll to Hit & Shifting the Die
- Quick Reference Combat Card 2 - Armour Deflection & Interrupt Stat
- Quick Reference Combat Card 3 - Multiple Creatures & Winning the Combat
- Every time you finish a round, Update (click on) the Fatigue under Attributes in the Char Sheet manually. This is sort of a timer for getting tired to keep combat spicy. Check the PDF for additional rules.
Mishap = Fumble / Crit fail
Prime Attack = Crit success
- Image of NPCs are cards that contain crucial info about them.
- Since the Players invade the rooms of NPCs unexpectedly, they always gain the initiative roll first.
- Attack roll is 2d6.
- You try to match the numbers near your Maneuvers (Maneuver x:y) with your weapon attack rolls to hit. Then roll for damage if you matched it.
- Everyone has a limited number of Shift Points, which can be used to turn a rolled die to another result. Either +1 or -1.
- As you delve deeper into the dungeon, your Shift goes up which means that your Defense is getting worse to speed up combat.
- After you kill monsters, you add your XP and coins Manually.
- If there is a loot table for the monster to roll, it's best to search the abbreviation from the monster card in the loot tables.
- Loot from the tables are also added Manually into Inventory.
Additional Items
There are ingredients in the Images tab that are not added as items. You get them after some random loot table rolls from NPCs. They can be used to craft different things or you can sell them. Sell / Buy is done manually. And there is currently no crafting mechanics, so you just remove ingredients & add appropriate items manually.
# Resources
Gwydion's Full Gameplay Video
- Rolling for rooms / Doors / Using Story Entries:
- Combat / NPC Cards > Shift > Interrupt:
- Multiple Opponents:
- Adding Objects to Layers > Room Folders:
- Toughest Battle > Fatigue up:
- Loot Rolls:
- Forgotten Adventures Mapmaking pack:
- ! There might be a block on Google for too many download requests for its big size. Check back later if you can't download it.
- Basic Card Decks using FG Tables by Trenloe: this is the table addon in the vid. If you rolled a room, tick the circle under "Used?" category to omit it from the rolls.
- PWYW - Reveries of the Dark - A narrative supplement for 2D6 Dungeon:
NOTE: I kinda messed up my map by pressing Revert Changes in testing. That's why there's only 1 pic. If I can find time, I'll replay and add more pics.