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K.I.S.S. It By Killing Your Darlings

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NOTE that, there is an AD in between 5:00 to 6:37.

I always told you "Keep it short and simple" but never told you how. It's by a cinematography method called "Killing Your Darlings". No, you won't have to remove your NPCs or story plots. You'll just cut the excess out of them.

How Cinema can make us better Game Masters (D&D / TTRPG) -12 min.
by Corkboards & Curiosities

(Part I: Scene + Part II: Camera)

TL;DR: If something isn't about story / character progression or action and mood, just cut it. Use the "camera" creatively and purposefully. Translate or ignore group play examples into your SoloStyle.

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Updated August 21st, 2024 at 19:51 by Tempered7

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