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Exercises For GM Approach to Solo Play

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It was too long, forum didn't accept it so here's the cut content of GM Approach to Solo Play.

# Exercises

I won't be specific, as these are NOT homework;

  1. Search your feelings and bring out the character YOU want to BE. Define it as a Player Character.
  2. What do YOU - the player - want to do if you were that PC? What would you like to achieve or have?
  3. Pick a place you'd like to go for a vacation. Research that place and turn it into a place in your setting as YOUR version of it. This will be your homebase.
  4. What could be an OBSTACLE for your PC version in your Place to achieve your goal? Add it as a conflict. Or not. If you just want to have your vacation in your session, then go for it!
  5. What kind of people you'd like to see in that place? These ones will be your NPCs, quest givers, helpers, etc.
  6. And what kind of people you never wanna see in there? Add them regardless, for your PC to "handle" them. Translate these NPCs into ruleset characters with or without classes, etc.
  7. What kind of events you'd like to experience in your world?
  8. Start your adventure in your vacation and see where the Fate will lead you.


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Updated August 14th, 2024 at 07:07 by Tempered7

Solo Play with FGU


  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    Man, at least the other bot had the courtesy to ask a relevant question. I thought we were having a relationship with whatever AI is this :') I give this one 0/1, wouldn't reply again.
    Updated August 9th, 2024 at 14:08 by Tempered7

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