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Mechanics of Game Story

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When you learn to quickly establish your first scene by trial and error and repetition, the rest will come easily. So, if you fail at first don't worry, it is even expected, just try again. Solo Play is more of a learned skill rather than something naturally comes to you. Try to have control over the Core Game Loop, especially Freeform Association.

Keep creating more story content by using the same methods: ASK questions depending on current CONTEXT - Use Freeform Association - Roll for an Answer - Interpret the result - Determine what happens - Play.

  • PCs' goals + NPCs' goals + Monsters' goals = Story
  • Opposition of Goals = Conflict that gives you excitement
  • Creating Action -> Reaction Chain keeps your scenes flowing
  • Consequences of Actions = Emotions that gives meaning to your session
  • Resolving a Conflict = Sweet Relief! that you aimed for from the start

There are some important reasons to set goals for most characters in game:

  • To Create a Surprising Story
  • That has Character Interaction
  • With an Action-Reaction Chain for Flow
  • Which has Consequences for later
  • To evoke Emotions

# Context

Content and CONTEXT will depend on your PCs, their back stories and goals, and their situation in a scene, not to forget NPCs, villains and monster's goals and reactions.

# If this is your first scene, the Context is your PCs or their background stories.
As long as you give your PC a main goal, and a scene goal, the game will flow because of a clear direction.

# Scene Goal

A SCENE GOAL is the short term goal of your PC for the current scene depending on the current situation. It is just an obstacle for reaching the main goal and creates tension in the scene.

i.e: Escape attempt in a prison scene. Or finding a lost companion in the woods.

Your main goal CAN change to something else AFTER you overcame or fail an obstacle or a scene goal.

  • When the scene goal is resolved (either by failing or achieving), the scene ends. And you move on to next scene.

# There is MOAR to story

Of course, there are more elements that makes a story. I will expand this topic later in the guide. But for now, I will say there are many types of conflicts you can use other than big bad evil guy. And many themes you may want to explore. Many character archetypes.... So, your Solo Sessions doesn't have to run aimlessly if you don't want to.

# Detailed Info of WHYs & HOWs. You don't need this if you just started.

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Updated February 2nd, 2025 at 22:26 by Tempered7

Solo Play with FGU



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