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Minimal Prep In Solo Sessions

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  • Create your Player Character Sheet, and a sidekick's if you want.

IF you want to skip story writing, use the template below for quick backstory creation.

Quick & Dirty Template: (Char Name) is/has (descriptive outer look), (a psychological trait), wearing (description of main clothes), and is (feeling this emotion) because he/she/it can't have (someone / something) or someone / something (did him/her wrong) because of (PC's past action) in (optional place name). Since then the PC yearns to (achieve his/her goal).

  • If you want to be safe, give your PC an advantage, such as adding a level or "HERO'S LUCK: Something resurrected you for once and once only. Note: Play what might caused it and the consequences of it."

  1. Equip your PC with gear to your hearts content.
  2. Give your PC a quest or a goal (make it clear and achievable).
  3. Flesh out the quest by asking questions: What, Where, When, How, Why, Who? Ask just enough to create actionable info and move on.
  4. Optionally, create an obstacle for your PC against having their goal right away (internal or external conflict, archenemy, negative emotion, bad habit, imprisonment, etc.)

Remember, you'll use these chunk of infos to set your first scene, so it'll need actionable conflict, or drama, or something that gives you a direction.
# Prep is Almost Done

  • EITHER Place all the tokens somewhere in your world if you have an overland map or an individual one.

  • OR Utilize various modes of play. This is what I meant by no need for voice-acting or maps.

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Updated August 15th, 2024 at 18:07 by Tempered7

Solo Play with FGU



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