Now Hiring - Full-Stack Network Developer/Engineer (Filled)
, July 8th, 2020 at 01:03 (128296 Views)
Full-stack Network Developer / Engineer
Update System
SmiteWorks is looking for a full-stack network engineer and developer to fine-tune our systems for Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU). FGU uses a new update patch system and installer written in Unity with a back-end LAMP system for internal use publishing content. The system works now but we want to vastly improve the experience, speed and capabilities of this system. We are looking for ways to dramatically increase the speed of installs and to allow for optional and dependency based updates.
We have installers built for Windows and Mac OSX with an installer partially complete for Linux. We need a developer to take over maintenance of existing installers and to complete the Linux (and Steam) installer.
Lobby System
FGU uses a custom Unity interface to a 3rd party lobby system for publicly hosted games. We want to replace this with an in-house lobby system and potentially integrate it with a public calendar system. We would like to expand the lobby system over time to allow pre-game gathering as well.
Network Transports
FGU currently uses a combination of Mirror (connection mgmt), LiteNet4Lib (transport, reliable UDP), and Noble Connect (network facilitation via STUN/TURN/relay) to provide network connectivity. We are looking to replace this with either an alternate solution or with an in-house solution for reliability and speed.
Position Type: Full Time (40-hours per week)
Days: Flexible
Salary: $80,000 / year (commensurate with experience)
Job Responsibilities:
- Full-stack development
- Build and maintain MySQL databases
- Build and maintain Linux Server back-ends
- Build custom endpoints
- UI front-end development when needed (a graphic artist is available to provide graphics)
- Help diagnose customer issues with assigned projects
Qualifications and Skills Needed:
- Unity 3d - creating builds for multiple platforms (Windows, Mac OSX and Linux)
- C# development in Unity 3d
- Expert level technical skills required for job responsibilities
- Basic knowledge of Fantasy Grounds Classic
- Basic knowledge of Fantasy Grounds Unity
- Attention to Detail
- Fast and Efficient Work Ethic
- Excellent spelling and grammar
- Task-oriented focus and ability to work on repetitive tasks
- Ability to work from home consistently and without interruptions
- Pride in work
- Dependable Internet Access
Nice-to-have Skills:
- Knowledge of RPG Game systems (see home page for major systems supported)
- Knowledge for content creation for Fantasy Grounds
- Experience with multiple Fantasy Grounds rulesets
- Work-from home
- Computer system provided
- Complimentary game modules and licenses provided
- Health-care is not currently provided by the company.
To apply, email your resume to [email protected]
Enter Network Engineer for the subject line.