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The Kult Character Sheet - Day 3

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Made portraits last night. They turned out pretty okay. I noticed that the CoreRPG default masks for portraits are scaled down very badly, but instead of fixing the masks themselves, I just fitted the frames after them. Should probably improve them later, but there's just so much to do that they're way down that priority list.

Started on the speech icon, but got more interested in freeing the top controls from the global sheet frame. ...and as soon as I transfered the portrait over to the front page, it just disappeared. Maybe I have to use that invisible "local portrait", but before I could try it out, I got fixated on labeling the frame "Character Sheet", and that took the rest of the day. Found out a useful thing: That controls don't need to be nested inside frames. That will come in handy later.

I still have a few hours left in the day, despite my eyes screaming for mercy. I should take it easy and stay away from work, though. Don't want to have another catatonic episode.

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