Lua is not my friend
, June 22nd, 2019 at 20:28 (32673 Views)
Hey all...
Another installment from the Mortar Pit.
I am going into depths I have rarely gone before. I am delving into the world of lua. That crazy little programming language that makes rulesets and extensions work, and it wasn't long before I realized I suck at it
About a week ago I got asked in discord to help put together a language and font extension for a 5E campaign. Something I hadn't done before, but I'm all over it like flies know.
I had managed to hack together a couple of themes in the past, this ought to be something I could puzzle out pretty quickly. I mean if somebody like Trenloe can make one I ought to be able to right?
Not so fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found a couple of language extensions on the forums, including one by the aforementioned Trenloe. I looked at them, looked at the lua scripts inside. Neither one was difficult to understand.
Not long after that I found myself in a test campaign in FG trying to figure out why this simple extension wasn't doing what I thought it should be doing.
Moon Wizard was in discord the other day telling me I need to look at X script and do Y...
I'm yelling back at my monitor... "I am doing Y with X script @#$%^&*()_#@$%"
My first mistake was made right off the get go. In all the time I have been using FG I have never used a an extension that added fonts or languages to the game, so I had no idea of what to expect with one of these extensions.
Danger Mortar!! Danger!!
The script may have been working properly (I got the languages added I think, but not the fonts) but it wouldn't have mattered.
Doesn't matter how simple or complex a project is if you don't know what the end goal is, and you'd think after 24 years in the infantry I would've known that
Time to go check out those extensions in a campaign and see how they are supposed to work. Then I can finish up this little learning project
There might be a few updates here too --