Window Saver X Full Version History
, May 9th, 2018 at 13:46 (10974 Views)
- add /wsx share (thanks to seycyrus for the suggestion)
- Add /wsx open
- Fix errors in client console
- Fix errors in client chat box
- Fix errors in client chat box
- Add /wsx close
- Further improve compatibility with other extensions
- Update help messages to show commands without underscores
- Numerous of under-the-hood changes
- Fix /wsx_load always throwing an error (I should probably not push updates at like 5am)
- Add support for "/wsx command" in addition to "/wsx_command" (leaving the old commands functional, but undocumented)
- Update /wsx help text to match new command syntax
v3.0.0 - Breaking changes see here for more details
- Update /wsx_help text
- Paginate /wsx_list to make it easier to manage large numbers of presets (20 presets per page)
- Set final support for preset name permitted characters (letters, numbers, ampersands, at signs, colons, periods, hyphens, spaces)
- Now filters out unpermitted characters rather than bugging out
- Add quotes around preset names in chat for visual clarity
- /wsx_restore no longer makes new notes/stories/etc if it has a window saved that is later deleted
- Fix /wsx_save not creating presets without windows
- Added window count to /wsx_save, /wsx_load, & /wsx_restore chat messages
- Added preset count to /wsx_list chat message.
- Move some logic from host to client to improve performance
- Fix /wsx_restore for windows it wasn't opening
- Now saves window position and size with /wsx_save!
- Improved /wsx_help text a bit
- Makes /wsx_restore a bit wonky with windows closed during a preset load (this will be fixed soon)
v2.1.0 - Breaking changes see here for more details
- Improved compatability with other extensions
- Removed current_session and last_session from list of user presets
- Added /wsx_restore
- Now saves all windows closed when loading a preset (accessed with /wsx_restore)
- Initial public release