How to ... "SAVE Dice Color of your profile"
, March 12th, 2017 at 15:12 (17636 Views)
"BASICS or something for better imagination how FG works - SAVE Dice Color of your profile for future use".
If you want backup your Dice colour for future, then you need write somewhere in your marks value of "DiceColor"
key from Registry. How to do it?
Step 1: Close FG software (if running)
Step 2: Hold Windows Key (flag key) + R
Step 3: In opened window in row write "regedit" (without quotes of course) and hit Enter key.
Step 4: In registry database go in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fantasy Grounds\2.0\DiceColor
here you will have cca 15 values as: DataDir, InstallDir, LastUsername, LicenseKey, DiceColor, Password, etc... (see my picture bottom)
and value in row "DiceColor" is for your actual dices color. This value sets color of your dices.
Simply mark this value for future needs and you have your color scheme backup.
Attachment 18216
WARNING!!! Be carefull and don't change another values in REGISTRY!! Otherwise you risk malfunctions on your installed software!
Step 5: Through double click on "DiceColor" is possible change value. After changing value hit F5 key on your keyboard and close regedit window (only if you changed value, if you only make marks dont need do this step).
Step 6: Run FG.
Simple? ;oD[/QUOTE]