Reference Manual windowclass Extension Updates
, July 20th, 2014 at 12:43 (44107 Views)
Forum Page
20 Jul, 2014
- Added referencemanualfeat windowclass.
- Removed the search bar until I can get it working. Currently causing the list to bug when the search field is cleared.
- Removed the close button for the inner window. The script automatically closes inner windows before opening a new window.
22 Jun, 2014
- Right column altered to make it appear more seamless.
- Minimum window size changed to 500 x 500.
- Default window size changed to be the same as "referencetextwide" windowclass.
20 Jun,2014
- Created a new windowclass, "referencemanualtext", for the inner right frame to get rid of the scroll background.
19 Jun,2014
- Changed color of the flags to better match the other menus.