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A new video showcasing Fantasy Grounds' support for running a Pathfinder combat.

Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.
I spent some time today putting together a sample video that walks through a fairly typical combat encounter. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video with pictures and words is probably worth something too.

Also, if you want to try things out first-hand, there is a free-to-play FG Con IV virtual convention running from May 8-11 where you can download Fantasy Grounds' demo and connect and play on any of the scheduled game sessions free of charge.

My demo is running portrait style tokens and pogs, but the Full and Ultimate licenses come with top-down style tokens. We've just contracted with Devin Night to start including his tokens for sale on the store as well -- for the ones he doesn't already give away for free. You can typically use whichever style you prefer.

Keywords: Virtual Tabletop, VTT, Online

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  1. Blackfoot's Avatar
    This, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be taking advantage of the targeting system for the GM.
    Updated April 30th, 2014 at 03:01 by Blackfoot
  2. ddavison's Avatar
    I ran the combat the way I normally run my own encounters. The nice thing is that there are normally multiple ways of doing the same thing. The NPCs I chose for this encounter were fairly basic. An NPC wizard or dragon would have allowed me to showcase some of the alternate ways to target.
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