Winter Eternal - Update 2
, April 24th, 2016 at 21:44 (29516 Views)
I know you have been waiting impatiently to see this update. Here it is. Over friday and saturday I was able to get a fair amount done. Most of my time on friday was spent trying to figure out why I couldn't get columns to line up on the equipment tables. Not going to go into much detail in this blog about it, but if you are interested you can read about it in my last post in this thread. It did cost me some time until I figured it out.
All the new edge and hindrances are drag and drop as are all the items listed on the equipment tables.
I am roughly half way through the gazetteer chapter of the setting having just completed the sub chapter on the 8 cities, still need to do Organizations through to the Horror.
For the Wilderness and the Cities and Civilization sub chapters I chose to go with the expandable indexes because it seems to make more sense. Only a few of those sections are more than a couple of paragraphs, I think its better for the user to have it this way versus opening a whole new page for each of them. The 8 Cities, however, have a whole lot more info for them so each one got its own page.
Other than what I mentioned above, everything visible in the screen shot is complete, and I should have the Player Guide portion of the setting complete tomorrow some time.
Even given the issues I had with the equipment tables things moved along this weekend far faster than I was expecting. Part of this, I think, comes from lessons learned working on Weird Wars Rome - I am spending far less time on trying to understand where I screwed up the syntax than I did on that project, and most of the time now if a window doesn't do what I was expecting I am able to have a pretty good idea of the problem before I even look at the XML. As a result the errors are corrected faster.
Comments, suggestions, flames?