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Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!"

Made a map to use in my games.

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Fantasy Grounds comes equipped with some fine generic maps. They're great. They include some wilderness, some dungeon looking ones, etc. At a certain point after doing so much theater of the mind, or using the maps included with FG, it becomes time to use others.

FG is great in that you can use any image for a map in the game. All you need do is drop the image in the "images" folder under which ever campaign folder you want it in. You can grab any image from the interwebs, or make your own. I made such a map for "general encounter" just to add a little flavor for what my players haven't seen. I dropped it in the campaign images and opened it, applied a grid, and we were ready to go.

Here's what I did...
Attachment 13769

It's great fun to build maps. I did this one in Photoshop. It's even MORE fun to be able to use them in your games with FG (5E in this case).

Visual space is always more appealing to me and my players than theater of the mind. Here's hoping you have a map for every encounter!


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