Fantasy Grounds Prep Less. Play More.
I left this for last despite it is what many players want to do for various reasons, because oh boy, is it hard to incorporate to Solo Mode! But as your friendly neighborhood Soloist, I will try my best to explain different points of views and methods for this type. FGU made it way easier than I originally thought. Points of Views on Methodology 1. Selective Reading In his book DM Yourself, Tom Scutt details "...techniques to navigate the ...
Updated Yesterday at 07:35 by Tempered7 First Impressions: 4 Stars, 40/50 Points I really like what Rob has done with these tables. He has sliced and diced the magic item tables from the DMG (and the SRD) all sorts of ways to make it easy for a DM to find or randomly generate magic items. There are a few minor flaws here and there, but nothing that hinders the useful of this module. The key to using this module is to read the Instructions ...
How I Got to Where I Needed a Crafting System in My Campaign: Ah the good ole Dungeon Master's Guide. My favorite book in the entirety of the D&D Collection. I flip through it constantly, devouring information, plotting ways to challenge the PCs in my campaign, planning out vast worlds with diverse storylines and so much more. One day during our D&D session, Ielenia, my group's Elven Druid said to me after we were wrapping up the session: "Hey Rem, can I just craft ...
Updated December 15th, 2016 at 19:40 by Remedeez
Welcome to Day 1! Can you already hear the Zombies moan and wail out there? No? Well, that's because we are not quite there yet. Today we are going to start our rulebook. Why would we do that, when the rulebook is accessible online? For once converting it into a Fantasy Grounds module allows every player quick access to the rules, plus we can later link the different characters, skills etc. into it. Basically it's going to contain all the content the ...
Hello there! Fantasy Grounds is a great tool for playing Role-Playing Games with friends over the internet, just like you would at your own table at home. The Name Who Cannot Be Named, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds and a few others have great rulesets who make things almost easier than playing in your living room. I love it. Hmm. Table? Living Room? Friends dispersed? Why not try to convert a board game instead of an RPG? Presumably the rules ...
Updated March 13th, 2015 at 16:09 by AstaSyneri